Chapter 26

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"Vi, there's someone here to see you," Joelle says before stepping aside. I look up and look straight into the brown eyes I love seeing the most.

"Daniel, hey."

Daniel makes his way over to me and pulls me in for a tight hug. I immediately wrap my arms around him, enjoying his embrace while it lasts.

"I've missed you so much Vi," Daniel mumbles into my neck, making me smile.

"I've missed you too Dan," I reply before Daniel steps back and looks into my eyes.

"I have no idea how I went all those years without you, just those few weeks were horrible."

"Let's not talk about that, we're together now," I say, only realizing after I said it that maybe I should've phrased that differently. Luckily, Daniel doesn't seem to notice or he doesn't mind.

"You're right, we shouldn't talk about it anymore."

"Sounds like a plan."

"So, what have you been up to?"

"Just work and such, nothing special."

"Ahh, that's good, I guess," Daniel says, making me chuckle.

"Yeah, guess so. What about you? Anything special happen in L.A.?"

"Not really, just working out a lot."

"Well, there are worse ways to spend your time."

"That's very true."

"Got any plans until the season starts?" I ask, hoping we might be able to spend some time together.

"Well, I do have some plans for today actually."


"Yeah, I was thinking about going bowling."

"Oh that's fun!"

"Great, because you're coming with," Daniel says, surprising me.

"I am?"

"If you want to, of course," Daniel says, suddenly sounding a little insecure.

"I'd love to," I say, making Daniel smile.

"Alright, let's go then!"

"Right now?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Eh, no idea actually," I chuckle, making Daniel smile.

"Well, let's go then."

"Okay," I say before quickly putting on my shoes. Then I grab my purse, check my wallet and phone are in there before leaving with Daniel.

"I haven't gone bowling in ages," Daniel confesses.

"Me neither, so it'll be a fair game."

"But I'm gonna win."

"We'll see about that."

"I won!" Daniel exclaims happily, much to my annoyance.

"Congrats," I say, only half happy for him as I really wanted to beat him.

"Come on Vi, be happy for me," Daniel says with a smirk on his face as he walks closer to me. Oh oh.

"Don't even think about it!" I warn him, but it's too late. Daniel's hands go straight for my sides and he starts tickling me merciless.

"Are you happy for me?"

"We- we're in a pu- public place!!" I manage to say in between laughing. Daniel doesn't seem to care too much that to other people it seems like something way different is going on than a tickling war. Or rather, a tickling attack.

"Are you happy for me?"

"YES!!" I exclaim, making Daniel stop tickling me, finally. As I sit up, I notice a few people looking our way, a weirded-out look on their face, making me blush. I look down right away, hoping to avoid the stares.

"Good, I'm glad to hear you're happy that I won," Daniel says, a smug look on his face, making me roll my eyes.

"I'm happy in general Dan."

"And I'm very happy about that," Daniel says, making me smile. Before I can say anything else, Daniel pulls me close again, this time for a hug.

"What's with the hug?" I chuckle as I wrap my arms around Daniel.

"I've just missed you, a lot. More than I thought."

"So what's next?" I ask as we walk to the car. After our hug, we decided to get going. Or rather, Daniel told me we should get going. Which tells me he has something else planned for us today.

"How do you know we're gonna do anything else?"

"Because otherwise we would've started another game so you could beat me again."

"Hmm, true. Okay, we are gonna do something else."

"I knew it! What is it?"

"Just be patient my dear," Daniel says in a fake posh voice, making me giggle. We get into the car and as Daniel drivers to wherever we're going, I try to figure out where that is.

"Are you taking me to the bar?" I ask after driving for a little while.


"That's awesome!" I say excited. 'The' bar is the one we used to go when we were younger, we have some great and crazy memories there. I haven't been there in years, mostly because I always felt that it wouldn't be right to go there without Daniel, even though my friends always tried to convince me to go.

"I had a feeling you'd think that. But first, we're gonna grab something to eat. Can't drink on an empty stomach," Daniel says as he pulls over by a snack bar, making me smile.

"Fries and a burger?"

"My trainer will kill me, but yes."

"Alright," I say as I get out of the car. Well, I try to before Daniel stops me.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to order us fries and a burger."

"No, stay in the car, I'll order and pay for them."

"What? Why? I always ordered for us."

"And now I'm ordering," Daniel says and before I can protest more, Daniel is already out of the car. I sigh as he walks into the snack bar, wondering why on earth he has to pay so badly for our food.


No, that can't be the reason. Right? Daniel doesn't see this as date, does he? I mean, if he did, would he really act this way? And if he wanted this to be a date, he would've told me, right? That's what you do when going on a date, you tell the other person. That's the normal thing to do. But then again, we aren't really normal.

"Fries and a burger, enjoy," Daniel says as he gets back into the car, snapping me out of my thoughts. Daniel hands me the food and I smile at him. But even though I don't them to, those thoughts have changed this whole situation massively.

"Thanks," I say before starting to eat my burger.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asks, looking at me.

"Yeah, I'm great! Thanks for paying by the way."

"No problem," Daniel says before starting to eat his burger as well.

Daniel's back in town! How do you think this will change things? Will it change things? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! Also, don't forget to vote for this chapter!

Love you all

Instagram: readracewrite

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