Chapter 1

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"Violet! Can you come to my office please?" I hear my boss Dylan call out from his office. I get up from my desk and make my way over to his office.

"Yeah?" I ask as I close the office door behind me.

"I need you to do an interview for me," Dylan tells me. I nod as this is nothing special. I do interviews all the times and it's awesome to meet so many different people through it.

"Okay, who am I interviewing?"

"A formula 1 driver. But he's in Abu Dhabi right now. It's the last race of the season and we want to interview him about how his season went and how he feels about next year's season. Stuff like that."

"Abu Dhabi?" I ask shocked. I've never been out of the country for an interview before. Of course, I've traveled across the country before, which is already a huge trip as Australia isn't exactly small. But to another country? That's a new one.

"Yes. We want to publish this interview right after the season ends so we can't wait until he's closer to home. I hope you don't mind?" Dylan asks, but I shake my head.

"No, no I don't. It's just a bit of a surprise."

"I understand. You'll be leaving on Thursday evening and you'll arrive in Abu Dhabi Friday afternoon. The interview will take place on Saturday, before qualifying. It's up to you if you want to watch the race or not. If you do, you'll fly back Monday morning and if you don't, you'll fly back Sunday morning."

"I can watch the race?"

"If you want to," Dylan tells me. I think about it for a little while, weighing my options. When I was younger, I used to be very interested in Formula 1, but as I got older, my interested disappeared. Despite that, it been a childhood dream to attend a race.

"I'd love to watch the race."

"Great, then you'll fly back on Monday. I'll email you the details."

"What about questions? Do I have to come up with my own?"

"We'll send you a few questions that you have to ask, but you can come up with a few yourself as well," Dylan tells me and I nod. Then I realize I don't even know who I'm interviewing.

"Eh, Dylan, who is the driver?"

"Oh, I thought you would've known as it's an Australian driver. It's Daniel Ricciardo."

"What?!!" my best friend Joelle exclaims after I tell her who I'll be interviewing.

"Yes, I know, that was exactly how I reacted. Well, mentally at least."

"You can't interview him, that'll be so awkward!"

"I don't really have a choice Jo, it's my job."

"I can do it for you?" Joelle suggests and I give the idea some thought. It could be possible as Joelle works for the same company as I do. But do I want to miss out on this trip, on the race, just because of Daniel?

"No, I'm going to do it myself. I need to woman up and face this. I mean, how bad can it be?"

"You mean other than the fact that you'll see your best friend who you haven't seen in over 10 years and who hasn't contacted you for almost just as long? Mwa, I don't know, maybe disastrous?"

"Maybe he has a good explanation?"

"Well if it's as good as his season last year, I won't expect too much of it," Jo says, making me chuckle. She's a huge F1 fan and even though she's not the biggest fan of Daniel, she still felt bad when this season wasn't as great as the one in 2014.

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