Chapter 8

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I wake up with my head pounding. Okay, definitely not drinking that much next time. I sit up slightly as I think back to last night. The party was great and I had a lot of fun with Joelle, just dancing and enjoying ourselves, having a few drinks. Then I saw Daniel.


We kissed.

We made out.

I made out with my childhood best friend! The memories of our kiss come rushing back to me as I try to remember how this happened.

"Happy New Year," Daniel whispers against my lips before closing the gap between us. Although I saw it coming, the feeling of his lips against mine surprises me. It's a feeling I never thought I'd experience and now that I am feeling it, it overwhelms me.

Daniel seems to notice my surprise and slowly starts to pull back, but that's the last thing I want. I put my hand against his neck to keep him close and luckily, Daniel understands my intention. He stops pulling away and puts his hands on my waist to keep me close to him. As he digs his fingers into my waist slightly, I let out a soft moan which allows Daniel to slide his tongue into my mouth.

"Dan," I moan softly as Daniel starts moving his mouth to my neck. This seems to encourage Daniel as he starts sucking on my neck slightly. As he softly nips on my neck, I realize what is going on.

"Daniel!" I say as I push him away from me. Daniel stares at me, seeming to realize what just happened as well.

"Vi," he starts, but right now I don't want to hear what he has to say. I'm scared to hear what he is thinking right now.

"I-I gotta go," I say before I walk away from him.

I don't even remember how we ended up kissing each other. I remember that I liked it, but I also know that it was wrong, in so many ways. I get up from my bed and put on some comfy clothes before going to the kitchen. Despite drinking quite a few drinks, I'm not feeling absolutely terrible and I actually have an appetite.

"Vi?" I hear Joelle say as I start making breakfast for myself.

"In the kitchen!" I reply and it doesn't take long before Joelle walks into the kitchen, looking only half awake.

"Morning," she greets me as she sits down at the kitchen counter.

"Morning, want some breakfast as well?"

"No thanks."

"How was your night?"

"Pretty good actually. Why did you leave so early though?" Joelle asks curiously as I finish making my breakfast, just some cereal. After I walked away from Daniel, I took a cab home. I texted Joelle to say I left, but I didn't explain why as it's not that easy to explain over text.

"Something happened between Daniel and I."

"Really? What?"

"We kinda kissed."

"You what?!"

"At midnight, we kissed."

"That's great! So he's not mad anymore?"

"It's not and I don't know."

"What do you mean, how can you not know?"

"Well, he came up to me and he said he missed me. I don't know what happened next, but all of the sudden we were kissing."

"Did you like it?" Joelle asks me with a grin on her face and I roll my eyes. She's always loved the idea of me and Daniel together, although I've always told her I don't feel that way about him and that even if we did see each other again, we would stay friends. However, after I came back from Abu Dhabi and told her what had happened, her hope of us being together came back.

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