Claira Goldstien (B)

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"I'm worried this character might be a little Mary Sue; let's see then.
Name: Claira Goldstien
Age: 16
Fandom: Original
Gender: Female
Backstory: She was born into a middle-class family with one older sister, Alisha. When she was thirteen she was in a car crash that killed Alisha, paralyzed her mom, and blinded Claira. The resultant expenses (hospital bills, replacing the car, funeral, ect.) wow that must've been one pretty bad crash. Was it with a truck or something? bankrupted them. Claira also developed a kleptomanic habit after the crash, and a phobia of vehicles. Makes sense.
Appearance: She has high cheekbones, a small nose, and a delicate chin. Her hair is fine, cut in a layered bob, and chestnut, with bangs that are slightly too long. She has pale skin, and grey eyes. As a result of the accident the skin around her eyes is littered with small, puffy microscars, as are the retinas of her eyes. Claira has thick glasses that she can wear along with contacts to restore some vision, but on certain days she forgoes these glasses and contacts and just wears a pair of scratched up aviator sunglasses instead. She doesn't wear makeup, and the color palette of her clothes is primarily neutral colors, especially black or white. This is because a blow to head during the car crash also rendered her colorblind. She is slight, short, and has a nervous habit of hiding behind her hair and twisting her fingers.
Species: Human.
Strengths: She is exceptionally observant, and atuned to minuscule changes in people's voices. Okay
Weaknesses: She cannot navigate anywhere properly, and she is physically weak.
Powers: It is hinted that she has minor sensory-psychic powers, but they aren't strong enough to effect her life at this point. Good that's cool but not OP
Friends: At the moment from which i'm describing her, she has no friends.
Enemies: Ditto. Although she does view her therapist as somewhat of an enemy, not because she dislikes him, but because she hates the idea of costing her parents' money they don't have.I would also.

Mary Sue- 34%

Interest- 60%


Statement- I won't give up. (I don't know)

Admin- Peggy

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