Zander Selmorlyn (B+)

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Name: Zander Selmorlyn
Talk about original
Age: 20
Fandom: original cool
Gender: male
Backstory: Zander's had anxiety since he was born okay but is that possible? Did he like come out of the womb scowling or something. I'm joking but maybe you should give a reason. so he became very close with animals because he's more comfortable with them. He has lots of pets and wants to be a veterinarian. His dream had always been to bond with a wild animal (most people  can with proper training and it would become their familiar). When he was fifteen he tried with his girlfriend Olivia. Olivia's jaguar killed her in front of him giving Zander PTSD. That's a very good reason to have it but make sure you don't romanticize it. He's vowed to tame the jaguar to make it up to Olivia. He's extremely close to his family, all of which are alive. He lives with his parents, sister, pets, and aunt.
Appearance: light green eyes and chestnut brown hair (His sister dyed it pink temporarily) lol that sticks up because he never remembers to brush it. He typically wears jeans and a graphic t shirt, typically with an animal picture
Species: human
strengths: Zander is very good with animals because he spent his whole life working with them and learning about them.
Weaknesses: severe social anxiety, PTSD, trusts animals more than people makes sense.
Friends: Zander's extremely close with his sister, Ava. His other  friends are Zeppelin Brook, Sasha Avelina, Hali Luptine, Isaac Simons, and Jacob Regulas. His best friend is Icarus Bloom. He would confide anything in Icarus after she confessed to him  that she had feelings for his sister
Enemies: none (yet) okay

He seems like a very developed character just be careful how you write him.

Interest: 50%


MarySue: 20%


Admin: Peggy

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