Chapter 28 History

Start from the beginning

"Guess I've got to go home too." I mumbled and turned to leave.

"No! You can stay here, I mean aren't you staying? You've already stayed for over a week another night won't kill. Shit that came out wrong." He muttered to himself before walking up to me.

"Stay?" He implored with just one word, his grey eyes full of sincerity. I sighed, for the umpteenth time today.

"I need to go back home sooner or later." I shook my head and wrapped my arms around myself, trying to gather my thoughts before staring back into those silver orbs. "You've done plenty for me Arden. I probably overstayed my welcome too." I mumbled the last part, averting my gaze.

"You haven't, as long as I'm here you are always welcomed. If you really want to, you can go back tomorrow night. I want you to stay, tonight. Please?" He asked with his puppy dog look and I couldn't help the smile that was about to break out on my face.

"Alright, just one more night."

What do I do with this feeling?

"Bri?" I lifted my head up when I didn't hear her reply, only to see her furious face. "Hey, I'm just complaining, no need to get so mad." I reached over with wide eyes, surprised by her anger. 

"What are you doing here?" She gritted out and I turned to see a familiar face and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. 

Charles Kingsley.

"Just coming over to say hi. You guys have been pretty loud recently. I even saw Laura here smiling and laughing with that new guy. What's the occasion?" He smirked and leaned down, twirling with a lock of my hair. I was frozen in place, my breath in my throat. I couldn't even smack his hands away. 

"I hope you haven't forgotten. We all missed you." He whispered in my ear, low enough only for me to hear and I inhaled sharply. Without thinking, I slapped his cheek. The resounding echo going around the cafeteria. It was so quiet until someone's phone starting blasting Miley Cyrus' I Came In Like A Wrecking Ball. Totally apt man, totally apt, the song totally came in like a wrecking ball. But, hell broke loose the moment the music played. 

Everyone was talking at the same time. Charles had his hands on my collar and I gasped as he pulled me out of my seat. I clawed at his hands to no avail, I could see his eyes full of anger and something else. How did I even fall in love with someone like him in the first place? 

"How dare you." He seethed, his arm swung back and I fell to the ground. The cafeteria was spinning as my head bounced off the floor. Can't a girl have a day off from concussions? But as though a switch flipped, the pink haze Laura came out.

It took over my conscience and I watched from inside, I saw myself push off from the ground. I stood up and spit out the blood that was forming in my mouth. I cracked my head to the sides, enjoying the release and took joy in watching his eyes widen as I took a step towards him. My quiet disposition has gone and I was standing tall. Lifting my hand I gave him a punch straight to the stomach, watching in slow motion as he choked and stumbled several steps back. Then I landed one after another as he tried to block the slew of punches I was delivering. I can't say that it wasn't refreshing to see him beaten up.

I, a 5ft 2in girl, was beating the crap out of this 6ft tall football player and all around was chaotic noise. People screaming for me, for him, wanting the fight to go on.

Everything only turned silent when my hands were held in place and as fast as the adrenaline came, it left. And the fatigue hit me hard, my eyes rolled back and the last thing I heard was someone shouting. And that was when control was given back to me.


My eyes opened, everything was a blur and it took a few seconds to register that I was in the nurse's office. Sitting up I lifted a hand to my cheek and winced when I prodded the sore area.

"You, my dear girl, pack one hell of a punch." A voice spoke and Nurse Stephanie stepped out of her cupboard, guess she heard me sitting up. "That black eye you got is nothing compared to what you gave the other guy. You didn't hear this from me, but well done, he needed a good beating." She winked and smiled, then walking over she turned my face looking at the bruise. "Still I do not condone any fighting behaviour do you hear me?" She warned and stepped back.

"Well, you're good. Just remember not to get beaten up again, you'll heal just fine. You don't seem to have a concussion, but if you do feel dizzy or nauseous go visit a doctor. Take these painkillers when you get home and remember to get lots of rest." She instructed and I nodded. "Now off you go, the boy outside has been waiting for you for hours." She muttered. 

"Wait hours? What time is it?" I asked stepping off the bed and putting on my shoes. 

"Well dear, it's half past four, everyone should have left for home already." She replied with ease. And I nodded, thanking her I stepped out of the room and the hallways were empty.

"Finally woken up?" I jumped at the voice and from the shadows, he stepped out, his silvery eyes bright and I looked away. 

"What happened there? One moment I was going through math with a classmate and suddenly I had to run to the cafeteria and you were landing punches on the school's football player. What happened brown eyes?" He murmured, stepping closer, his hands softly caressing my face. 

But I barely got a word out before he engulfed me in a hug. 

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