29. yugyeom - friend's sister

Start from the beginning

Yugyeom's face heated up, "I-I'm not, I swear!"

Jaebum and Jackson laughed, causing Yugyeom to nervously smile again. I released from Jackson's strong grasp to make my way to Yugyeom.

"He's giving you a hard time, he knows you wouldn't," I nervously chuckled, pulling Yugyeom into a hug.

"For sure, yeah." Yugyeom chuckled, hugging me tightly. He quickly released, however, pulling away and giving me another awkward smile.

Jackson pinched my cheek, "We have to catch up with our little kid, ye? It's been a few months."

I nodded, walking with them into the living room. I sat down on the couch next to Jackson, while Yugyeom sat on the love seat and Jaebum on the ground in front.

The boys started talking about their recent comeback, and all the hard work they had put into it. They told stories of all the crazy antics they had pulled, and their favorite moments with other celebrities.

"Did you guys interact with BTS at all?" I sat up straught, looking between all of them.

Jackson pointed to Yugyeom, "He's, like, best friends with Jungkook."

My eyes widened. "Yugyeom, really?"

Yugyeom nodded. "We text a lot, and we go bowling."

"Bowling with Jeon Jungkook," I sat back, shaking my head. "Could you imagine?"

"In case you forgot, y/n, we're famous," Jackson sassed. "You act like you aren't a fan."

I rolled my eyes. "I support you guys almost too much."

Jaebum laughed. "Yeah, she sends me pictures of our advertisements and tells me if we look dumb,"

I nodded. "The stylists in this world do some dumb stuff to you guys. Jaebum looked like he was electrocuted," I laughed. "I asked mom to get one framed."

Jaebum threw a pillow at me, which I quickly threw back.

"What do you think of mine, y/n?" Jackson batted his eyelashes at me.

I shrugged, "You're like a model, Jackson. No one could possibly compare to that beauty," I sarcastically said.

Jackson nodded, "She knows what's up."

"Of course I do," I flipped my hair dramatically. "But Yugyeom, there isn't enough ads of you."

Yugyeom looked up. "No?"

"I always see Jackson, Mark, and BamBam. Where are yours?" I turned to face him.

He hugged a pillow, "I'm so busy dancing, I guess I don't know!"

"Oh, Hit The Stage!" I said in a cheerful tone, receiving laughs from Jaebum and Jackson. "You did great on that."

"Y-You watched?" Yugyeom sat up straighter, his cheeks heating up.

I nodded. "Yeah, that one performance with the doorway, WOW!" I pretended to wipe sweat from my forehead.

Yugyeom nervously laughed, looking down at the pillow. "Wow, thank you."

"Our little Yugyeom, all flustered by our little y/n!" Jackson cooed.

I looked at Yugyeom, who was staring over at Jackson, his cheeks still slightly pink. I giggled, looking at Jackson.

"Y/n, can you grab us some drinks, please?" Jaebum whined from the ground, scrolling on his phone.

I whined about Jaebum being lazy before standing up and walking to the kitchen. I grabbed four water bottles, carrying them back to the living room.

"Wait," Yugyeom came into the kitchen, grabbing the water bottles from my hands.

"Huh?" I questioned as he turned back into the living room.

Yugyeom gave me a shy smile. "We got a writing idea. You can't enter now!"

I scoffed. "This is my house, you guys are just visiting!"

Yugyeom stood in front of the doorway. "You can't go in there during writing time!"

"Or what?" I threatened, standing on my tippy toes and glaring.

Yugyeom smirked for a second before reverting to his regular smile. "You'll leak the song out to fans or something,"

"Oh, you know me so well, huh Kim Yugyeom?" I laughed, trying to step around him. He moved, blocking my way once again.

"No, but I, uh, would, uh, like to," He nearly mumbled. I stepped back and looked at him.

"Kim Yugyeom, are you trying to-"

"Only so I can make fun of you!" Yugyeom nervously chuckled. I grabbed the waters from his hands and went into the living room.

"Do you really think he likes her?" I heard Jaebum quickly say to Jackson in a hushed tone.

"I mean, he's been acting weird this whole time, I wouldn't be surprised," Jackson whispered back.

Were they talking about me? Does Yugyeom actually like me?

"What are you guys talking about?" I quickly said, pretending I wasn't eavesdropping earlier. Jaebum immediately sat up.

"Nothing much, thanks for the water!" He grabbed a bottle from my hand. I handed one to Jackson. Yugyeom came behind me and grabbed the other one from my hand.

"So, y/n, do you have a boyfriend?" Jackson asked with a big grin.

I shook my head. "No, boys don't like me. Why?"

Jackson bit his lip. "We just need inspiration for our song, that's all. You're a girl, you listen to our music,"

I shrugged. "What do you need to know?"

"What kind of guys do you like?" Jackson asked, holding his notebook out dramatically, as if he was quizzing me.

I nervously chuckled. "Someone fun, I guess," I looked at Yugyeom sitting on the loveseat, watching me with wide eyes. "I haven't thought about it,"

"Would you confess to a boy?" Jackson inquired.

I laughed, "Why ask me? I don't know anything about relationships!"

"Just answer, pabo!" Jaebum whined.

I cleared my throat. "I guess, if I had to. I would prefer he did though. I'm too chicken,"

Jackson nodded. "Alright, you have to leave now."

I stood up. "Let me know when you guys want dinner, I can make something."

"We'll probably go out. We'll make Yugyeom pay," Jaebum said.

"No I won't!" Yugyeom whined.

I laughed, turning to leave the room. "Have fun writing, you guys."

As I left the living room, I heard Jackson giggle.

"Yugyeomie, if you like her, you have to do something!" He said excitedly.

Jaebum clicked his tongue. "That's my little sister!"

Jackson hushed him. "Yugyeom is our little kid, he needs love, too! And your sister is the one he likes!"

"You can't prove anything!" Yugyeom whined again. I leaned against the wall in the hallway, listening closely.

"Yugyeom, you like her-"

"I don't-"

"Stop it, she'll hear us," Jaebum stated. "Yugyeomie, if you like my sister, you better confess well. You better take good care of her, too, Kim Yugyeom."

"I will," Yugyeom responded. "But she probably doesn't like me."

But I do, Kim Yugyeom. I do like you.

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