Chapter 15

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"Can't you ditch this one?" I plead, pushing my lower lip out to gain sympathy points. "This afternoon was utter misery without you, and now you want to leave me here with these dolts?"

Lana and Morgan cast wicked looks my way before they laugh. At least they can take a joke.

"I may be inebriated, but I am not deaf," Lana announces. Inebriated is right, and I'm wondering if she pre-gamed before the festivities.

"That big word must've come from your 'word a day' calendar," Wynona teases.

"No, no..." she slurs. "That one was at-atr-ataraxia?"

"And what does that one mean?" Wynn urges.

Lana tosses her arm over Morgan's shoulder, as Morgan tries desperately not to lose it.

"It meeeaaanssss," Lana begins, glancing heavenward to help her memory, only she's drawing a blank.

"I think that's the one that means you don't eat. Right guys?" Morgan says baiting Lana, laughing so hard she can hardly breathe.

Lana shoves Morgan, but only makes herself sway as a result. "No! It means something like... freedom from your anxiety or... something." She smiles then, delivering a wobbly curtsy, and looking more than pleased with herself. "Now, I think it's time for my reward." Lana smirks, eyeing the new guy. "Morgan, come with me so it doesn't look like I'm hitting on him."

"Yeah, that'll help," Wynn says, rolling her eyes as she adjusts her purse strap. "Wish me luck at this stupid dinner," she adds.

"Good luck!" Lana and Morgan chirp in unison, already making their way to Lana's destiny.

"I wish you'd stay," I whine, attempting the guilt trip again but to no avail.

"Cole left, like, forty-five minutes ago for the same dinner. My parents are going to murder me if I don't get there soon," she groans before something catches her eye.

I follow her line of sight, only to find Wyatt with his stupid spirit skank wandering off toward the trees.

Hmmm. Not in this lifetime girl.

Wynona catches me looking their way as she backs slowly away toward the gravel lot where she's parked.

"Bye, B. You might wanna wipe the venom off your chin before you go over there." She nods goodbye smirking, then takes off jogging the rest of the way to her car.

I wave halfheartedly, unable to peel my gaze away from the girl that thinks she's got a shot with Wyatt. I try to suppress my unreasonable irritation, but I'm tingling with annoyance. I bet she had to fight her desperate little heart out to be his spirit sister this year.

I'm only a few steps behind Wyatt when she notices me approaching. She's smiling at whatever Wyatt has said. I place my finger over my lips warning her not to let him know I'm behind him, and she furrows her brow.

I run my fingers lazily up the spine of Wyatt's muscular back, in the way I know drives him wild, and rest my hand on his shoulder.

"New toy?" I say sweetly, smiling at Rachel.

I've never paid much attention to her before tonight, but she's really pretty. I shake it off, deciding to instead keep my focus on the end-game.

Until I realize that I don't even know what my goal is.

Ignoring the sudden disquiet I'm feeling, I slide my hand from his shoulder down his arm, taking his hand. I lift his arm over my head, wrapping it around my shoulders. What am I doing with Cole, when this, right here, is what consumes my thoughts?

Part of me is surprised that Wyatt is allowing this behavior, but I also know how much he loves my jealous side.

"He doesn't play for keeps," I say, casually twisting my hair around my finger. "I'm just saving you time, sweetie. Run along!" I add, waving her off. Beside me, Wyatt tenses.

Rachel, to her credit, follows my command and walks away briskly. I'm sure she's cursing my name with every inch she puts between herself and Wyatt.

His body is rigid as he abruptly pulls away from me.

"What do you think you're doing, Colby?" he bites, frustration lacing each word. "What's your problem?"

I shrug, rolling my eyes and planting myself in front of him. He'll get over it.

"You don't want anything to do with that, Wyatt. She was Drew Seller's spirit sister last year, and he was a walking STD, sooo..." I trail off, biting my lip.

"That's not what I'm talking about," he snaps. He takes a step toward me, making my heart race, and I take an involuntarily step back, nearly stumbling into a maple tree that showed up out of nowhere. "Why all the theatrics? You're taken, remember?" His tone is as sharp as a dagger. I breathe him in— he's so close now, it's intoxicating.

"Oh, trust me I know. Cole definitely keeps me occupied," I lie, meeting his eyes.

He shifts, bringing himself even nearer to me. I swear he can hear my heart thumping spastically in my chest with our proximity. He places his hand on the tree next to my head, and all I want to do is remove the last bit of space separating us from one another. It's been so long since I've been this close to him, and the butterflies in my stomach are practically seizing.

He uses his free hand, trailing it along the curve of my waist, resting it on my hip. Chills run through my entire body when his fingers touch my bare skin.

I won't let him beat me at my own game.

"He...he's taking me to homecoming tomorrow," I manage to say. I hook my fingers through his belt loops, my hands acting on impulse from the intense need I'm feeling. He smirks, and my breath hitches momentarily. His smiles are never mine anymore, and I miss them...miss him.

"Is that so?" he asks, his face moving toward my own, while I remind myself to keep breathing. His nose lightly grazes the line of my jaw, and goosebumps race the length of my arms.

I exhale, pulling him tightly against me. This doesn't feel like a game anymore. It's natural. Real.

Kiss me! my mind pleads.

"Do you miss this?" he whispers huskily into my ear.

"N-n-no," I stammer like a complete idiot.

He pauses momentarily, closing his eyes, and I pray that somehow, someday he can be mine again.

"Good," he says when he opens his eyes, bringing me back to our reality. He peels himself away from me, with a grin that both melts my heart and batters it to pieces. "Me neither. See ya later, B."

He walks away from me without turning back, and I feel completely bereft.

What am I doing?

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