Chapter 23

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Against my better judgment, I follow Jesse to the phone situated at the front of the station. I know there are bars separating Colby from old Buck, and I don't really find him to be a threat, but it's still making me twitchy being this far away from her.

At the end of the day, it's my fault that she's here. While we've had a hell of a night, reconnecting in ways I've only entertained in the privacy of my own mind, the revival of our friendship never should have happened in jail.

Picking up the receiver, I dial one of the only phone numbers I still know by heart. One hefty exhale later, and I'm bracing myself for the onslaught of questions that are bound to come my way, as I make the phone call every mother dreads receiving from their angel of a son.

"Hello?" my mom answers, her voice tight and anxious. I suppose caller ID may have ratted me out.

"Mom," I say, guilt hanging in the silence that follows, due to my as yet undisclosed sins.

"What did you do, son?" she says in a clipped, even tone. Leave it to her to be reasonable, increasing the shame already mocking me.

"Mom, we got the flag," I say, hoping to give her some good news before the bad.


"Well...B and me," I begin cautiously, wondering how a five-foot-one inch woman can scare the shit outta me. "We got caught, and now we're at the police station across town."

She sighs. "I'm on my way, baby. I won't tell Mr. Byers, as I'm sure you're wholly responsible for this exploit. She shouldn't be held to account for your poor choices."


"Thanks," I say, decidedly relieved. She's nowhere near as pissed as she deserves to be, but I know I'm not outta the woods here. She'll have her own special way of making me pay for this evening's misdeeds.

"Oh, and baby?" she adds. "If you're gonna wind up in the clink, I'm glad you at least had the sense to get tossed in with Colby." I hear the humor in her voice as she disconnects.


I'm greeted by Colby's smile when Jesse returns me to my cell, and while I do feel remorse over our current circumstances, I can't say I'll regret all the uninterrupted time we get together.

"Hey! Lookths like your boyfriendths back!" Buck hollers from behind the barrier of gray bars, where he lays on the makeshift bed.

Okay. Not completely uninterrupted.

I nod his way, acknowledging his enthusiasm and then head straight for Colby. She's seated on the tiny cot in the corner, and I can tell she's trying desperately to keep as little of herself as possible from touching it. In fact, I'm not sure how she hasn't slipped to the floor, as her backside only occupies the very edge of the mattress, her hands clasped in a white-knuckle grip before her.

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