Chapter 8

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"So?" Liv slides a little closer to my side, her fingers tracing the length of my torso. "You wanna move this upstairs?" She looks perplexed, and I realize she's asked me the same question twice.

Damn. I coulda had so much fun tonight.

I take her traveling fingers in mine. "Not tonight, Liv," I say regretfully. "I gotta go catch up with the boys. I owe them a round of flip cup." I smile and lean in, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

She immediately begins to pout, her lower lip jutting outward in a way I don't find attractive.

Now I don't feel so bad about leaving her.

I waste no time, retreating into a crowd of my teammates who are, naturally, involved in all sorts of drinking debauchery. I'm received with whoops and hollers, and lots of high fives. I wasn't the only guy responsible for the win tonight, but it's nice to be recognized, I guess.

I sidestep some puke as I reach the edge of the mob, hoping I get a better view of Colby. I swear it felt like all the air was sucked outta this place when Trey and Alex walked in. Well, obviously nobody else felt that way, but she sure seemed to...

And who cares if I noticed? I just wanna know she's alright, and then she's on her own.

She stands in the foyer, speaking with her brother Alex, and his best friend Trey. They arrived with a crew of frat brothers, and I find myself wondering why they'd ever darken the doors of a high school party.

Trey and Alex used to be my teammates, and I know there's really nothing sinister about them aside from their drug use. So why does Colby look like she'd rather be dead than standing there conversing with her brother and his sidekick?

I'm just about to head over and break up the party when I see Cole strutting up to Colby. He throws his arm around her shoulder, drawing her into his side. The tension seems to filter away, the stiff set of her shoulders easing slightly. She puts a tentative arm around his waist, and I can tell she's still uncomfortable, but she seems more relaxed. I guess she's okay, even if it is because of that asshole.

They chat for a few minutes, and then Alex and Trey move into the dining room. No doubt it's time to set up their pharmacy for the party. They aren't dealers exactly, but I know they make some cash on the side. They both look like they've enjoyed quite a lot of their offerings already.

Ari bursts through the front door, with not two, but three girls— none of which are his girlfriend. There's a good chance they go to Chapman High, as I recognize not one of them, but they wear Chapman colors.

Charming bastard. Even the rival school's girls want a piece of his cocky ass.

"Wahoo! If it ain't the man of the hour," Ari hoots, grabbing my hand and pulling me into a half hug. "We're going to the State Championship this year, even if it is on Cole's and your coattails."

Never Mine (Book One)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя