Chapter 14

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"Hey, everyone," Ari shouts, perched precariously on the edge of his truck's tailgate. "I have an announcement to make." He's clutching a beer in one hand and throws his free arm around Mari's shoulders. Mari eyes him as though she'd like to finish the job the Titan running back started earlier. No doubt she's only there for him to keep his toasted ass from toppling off his makeshift stage.

A hush falls over the party, a quiet only someone like Ari can command. Damn, this kid. This better be good.

He smiles sadly, and it's a little lopsided, as his left eye and cheek are swollen and black from his run-in during the game. Of course, being mangled up never kept Ari from a good after party.

"In a startling turn of events," he continues, dropping his chin to his chest and releasing a hefty breath. "I find myself...single." He lifts his head eyeing the crowd, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

The gathering remains silent for a moment, taking in the sobering news.

Then they erupt in an array of cheers and congratulations. I shake my head in disbelief, smiling at the antics of my ridiculous friend.

"Are you kidding me," Mari shrieks, socking her brother in the gut. "You're such a dramatic dickhead. I thought it was serious!" She hops down from the tailgate, leaving a doubled over Ari as she storms toward the beach, Nash hot on her heels.

I think drama may run in the family, but that's just me.

We're gathered at the edge of Bellwood Lake, far enough out of town to avoid finding trouble when we party like this. It's become a favorite North High destination, what with the water, a nice enough beach, and a wooded area not far behind that—all the essentials for a fun-filled evening.

The team started a celebratory bonfire beachside, where people are drinking and dancing to the music blasting from Mark Rushford's pickup. Some of my more adventurous classmates are leaping from the dock into the lake, even though it's October, some fully clothed and others in their skivvies.

A few of my teammates brought portable grills, barbecuing hot dogs and hamburgers since we're all starving after what turned out to be a hell of a game. Everyone's a bit worse for wear, but it'd take a lot more than some busted lips and broken noses to keep us from celebrating a homecoming victory.

I make my way over to Ari, who's surrounded by equal parts teammates and fangirls who think they have a chance with his two-timing ass now.

"That was some speech," I say, clapping him on the shoulder. I instantly regret it, as my hand is sore from all the avenging punches I was throwing.

He shrugs. "I mean, we all knew it was gonna be over between Anna and me sooner or later. Time to move on, right boys!" he shouts, earning him another round of whoops and applause.

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