Chapter 26

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Wyatt vanished after the game and ever since, my heart has been in my stomach. I hope that I haven't already messed this up.

It's taken almost twenty minutes, but I finally spot Cole over by one of the grills, where he and some of the guys are congratulating themselves on tonight's win.

The lake behind them is almost black, reflecting the dark clouds hovering above. It looks like we'll be getting some much needed rain tonight, but it'll be a shame to watch the storm ruin the festivities. The night is eerily still. There's no breeze, not even subtle ripples gliding through the expanse of the lake.

On any other night this calm would feel peaceful, but tonight it's almost as if the world has hit pause, waiting to see if accepting Cole's invitation was my biggest mistake to date.

Wyatt gave me a nod of approval when Cole left me virtually no choice with his question. The whole stadium was watching. No pressure or anything. I've been hoping with every part of me that the connection I felt with Wyatt last night wasn't just some random moment we were lucky to share, that it means we finally get to have each other back.

I can't help but worry as I stand here in this stifling stillness, wondering if it was a one-time thing—a blessing I was gifted when I needed it most.

I resolve to put aside my fear, trudging across the brittle grass to where Cole and his crew char various meats over the flames they've made.

"There she is," Cole says excitedly. He pulls me into a hug, lifting me off the ground. "I'm glad you finally showed up," he says softly into my ear.

Guilt trickles through me, knowing what I am about to do, but I can't risk the delicate grip I have on my relationship with Wyatt. Well, not more than I have already.

"Hey," I say, masking my discomfort with a smile. My boots touch back down on the firmness of the ground, and I meet Cole's deep blue eyes. Uncertainty registers within them, and he seems to know what's coming.

"You wanna go somewhere and talk?" he asks, his brows furrowed in concern. I nod and he takes my hand, leading me away from the chaos of his cheerful comrades.

I feel horrible for waiting so long to tell him, but in a lot of ways, I've just discovered the truth myself. I've been denying my feelings, keeping them submerged deep in the darkest corner of my heart.

"I think I know what you're about to do," Cole begins, breaking the silence we've been enveloped in for the past few minutes. "And I also think I know why you're doin' it."

I look away, kicking the toe of my boot awkwardly into the dirt, sending it scattering in different directions.

"I didn't mean..." I trail off, unsure of how to continue. "Or maybe it's more that I didn't know that I still have feelings for Wyatt." I glance at Cole, only to find that he's no longer looking at me, but out toward the lake. He gives me a solemn nod, returning his gaze to mine.

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