Chapter 1

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Hey, all! Thank you for giving Never Mine a try! I hope you enjoy it :) Above, a trailer made by none other than the awesome episodetay!! Below, Wyatt (Steven R. McQueen) and Colby (Gabriella Wilde) ❤️

3 years earlier"I'm always gonna love you, Wyatt Loring Matheson

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

3 years earlier
"I'm always gonna love you, Wyatt Loring Matheson." Colby pulled him close and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Say it, Dodge," she demanded, grinning up at him with sparkling eyes.

He cracked a smile but remained silent. He liked his nickname, Dodge, earned long before and born of this very stubbornness.

"I know you do," she whispered, her lips tipping into a perfect pout.

He ran a hand through her hair and tugged her closer, chuckling. "If you know I do, why should I say it?"

She shoved him meekly in the chest, pulling away. "You're impossible." Fanning her arms, she spun slowly in the lush green field. "What if we only have now?"

He watched, her long blonde hair flying around her face as she spun, and knew he couldn't possibly love her more.

"We've got forever, B," he said, grabbing her hand and leading her toward the old ash tree overlooking the stream. "But just in case, I got you something." He planted his knee in the black earth beneath the tree, where the leafy branches refused to allow the sun's insistent rays to shine.

He'd saved for months, and now her fifteenth birthday was only three days off. He couldn't wait to see her face.

"This is a promise ring, B," he began, opening the little gray box.

She gasped, covering her mouth in disbelief.

He pulled the pearl ring from its slot and took her hand in his, sliding it easily onto her finger. "Whenever you look at this, remember my promise to love you forever. Remember I'll always protect your heart."

She pulled him up, kissing him with tear-stained cheeks. "I'll always love you, too."


"Why can't you learn to put your own damn saddle on," Wyatt huffs, eyeing me with his typical disdain. He hoists the saddle onto Mindy's back, adjusting the front cinch and grumbling about the early hour, but this is the only way to go for a ride in the Texas summer heat.

"That's why we pay you, remember?" I fasten Mindy's bridle, running my fingers over the velvety softness of her muzzle. She nudges my palm, eager for a treat I don't have.

"You never let me forget," he mutters, leaning forward with his hands clasped together. "Up you go."

I place my boot in his hands and swing my leg over, seating myself firmly in the saddle. Mindy shifts, itching to get moving. Wyatt pats her neck, a hint of a smile on his already filthy face. He wears the stable when he's in here, his clothes covered in grime and sweat.

"You're gonna shower before orientation at least, aren't you?" I ask without thinking.

"Nope. I've got better things to do," he says, raising an eyebrow and tipping his hat, which is as good as a dismissal.

That ticks me off.

I tap Mindy lightly with my boots, and she's off and running. It's no use spending another minute in the barn with Wyatt when he clearly has no time for me.

We burst free of the paddock heading straight for the riverbed, flying over the dewy green pasture until we approach a herd of cattle grazing in the predawn light. They're skittish, so I slow Mindy's pace.

She whinnies irritably, easing her way nearer to the livestock as her natural herding instinct kicks in, but I steer her away.

"Later," I say. She begrudgingly complies, trotting eastward and picking up speed as we leave the cattle behind. She knows where I want to go, moving to the path we travel on a nearly daily basis.

We pass through a small, tidy grove and I have to duck periodically to avoid the heavy branches blooming with clusters of growing apples. It's getting easier to see now that the sun has risen, hanging low on the horizon.

We emerge from the trees, finding ourselves on the river's edge. I drop to the ground, patting Mindy on the shoulder. I trust her not to run, so I don't bother tying her reins to anything. She wanders a short distance from me, nibbling at the wildflowers and fallen apple blossoms.

I breathe in the early morning air, thick and heavy, and know it's gonna be a scorcher. I'm ready for fall, but not ready for school, which starts on Monday.

Today is Friday, senior orientation day. I find myself genuinely conflicted about this school year. Part of me can't wait to move on to new things. The other part would be content to continue hiding in the comfort of the known here at the ranch. My sunrise rides, cheering for North High, and post-game parties with friends I've had since kindergarten are pieces of me I'm not ready to relinquish, yet.

What if those things are the best I'll ever have? What if all the promises that this is only the beginning for me aren't true?

I guess all good things come to an end, whether you're ready or not.

I move to the river's edge and recline on a sizeable rock shaped like the rind of an orange. I slouch into the curve, my back aligning with its contour, and prop my ankles in front of me.

Sighing, I watch the clouds go from pink to orange, wondering if my surly stable hand is as conflicted about the future as I am.

Then I remember I don't care. If he can dismiss me so easily, I should do the same.

Never Mine (Book One)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن