Chapter 56

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(((March 5, 2016)))
Nicole's POV

"Yes, Kayleigh, I'm fine." I assured my little sister that was calling for the hundredth time in a week to see how I was doing as far as Parker and I.

"I don't believe that." Kayleigh replied.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because Hannah told me that all you do is mope around and cry." Kayleigh said.

I darted my eyes over to Hannah who was sitting on the couch. She threw her hands up and said, "Did you want me to lie to her?"

I mouthed, "Yes." Then I said to Kayleigh, "No, really, I'm fine. I barely even think about Parker." That was the biggest lie ever.

"That's a lie." Kayleigh said. "Why don't you just talk to him again?"

"Because Kayleigh." I sighed. "It's not like a little thing between you and Colin, okay? It's not you wait a few days and forget what you were mad about. This is a real relationship, and this is a real problem."

"I know that. But you know you love him and you need to talk to him and work it out." Kayleigh told me.

"Kayleigh, don't you think I know I love him and don't you think that I want to talk to him?! I just can't do it! You don't know everything that happened, okay? He came to see me, and he told me exactly what he thought of me. He doesn't want to be with me." I frowned. "No, I might not be fine right now, but I will be. He's only a boy, right?"

Hannah and Kayleigh simultaneously scoffed. Hannah said sarcastically, "Yeah, he's just a boy. Just a boy that you're completely and totally in love with."

"Just because you love someone doesn't mean that you're meant to be with them." I said.

"No, but it does mean you should try to be with them." Hannah said.

"You know what he said to me, Hannah."

"He was mad." Hannah replied.

"Whatever. He meant it. He basically accused me of..." I suddenly remembered that Kayleigh was hearing every word I said. "Never mind, you know what he said."

"What'd he say?" Kayleigh asked.

"Nothing. It's not important." I answered. A tear dropped from my eye, causing me to quickly use my sleeve to wipe it off before Hannah noticed. But, she noticed anyway.

"Kayleigh." Hannah said. "Can Nick call you back later? I need her to help me with something."

"Sure, I'm going to a baseball game anyway." Kayleigh chirped.

"Have fun, Kayleigh. Be safe, I love you." I said.

"Okay, bye, love you." Kayleigh said before hanging up the phone.

I was setting my phone beside me on the table when Hannah said, "You need to talk to him. Like, as soon as possible. I mean, look at you, Nicole."

"What?" I asked.

"You've been wearing his hoodie for a week, and you don't go anywhere. The only time we went somewhere was when we went to his house to see Nancy and Roger. The only time you get out of the chair is when you go to the bathroom or go to sleep. I mean, if it's affecting you this much, you need to do something about it. Either get over it or try to talk to him."

I looked down at his hoodie I was wearing and the dingy night pants I hadn't bothered to change. I knew that my hair was a mess.

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