Chapter 57

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(((March 7, 2016)))

Nicole's POV

I found out from Mom that Parker left for London two days ago. She called me earlier and asked if I wanted to come over for lunch, and that was when she told me that Parker had ran away from his problems. Ran away to London. But hey, I don't have any control over him, right?

"I still can't believe he bolted off to London without telling you." Hannah said as we were doing our hair.

"Well, he told me that we were going to London before our fight, but I guess I forgot. And my plane ticket disappeared." I rolled my eyes.

"That was a real dick move. I mean, you could've thought he was dead or something." Hannah said.

"That just proves that he doesn't care about me like he did." I stated.

"You sound better, Nick. You sound... I don't know--happier." Hannah pointed out.

"I'm not happier, but I'm learning to accept this." I said. "Maybe one day Parker and I can be together, but that day obviously ain't gonna be today."

"Hope for the best, right?"

"Yeah. I still love him, you know."


"I don't know, Mom." I said as I was sitting on the couch on my phone after we had eaten lunch. "He didn't even see the importance of telling me he was leaving."

"Just wait for him." Mom said. "He'll come around."

"Yeah, I just hope it's not too late when he does." I frowned.

"Me too, honey. Me too." Mom said.

"I might go back to North Carolina for a few days." I said, causing Hannah and Mom to look at me.

"Why you wanna go back to that hole for?"Hannah said. "They don't care about us anymore."

"Nana wants me to go stay with her." I said. "And I miss her."

"Hey, if that's what you wanna do, then by all means, go." Hannah said.

"I think I will." I concluded. "I mean, if Parker can run away, then I can too."

"When do you think you'll be back?" Mom asked.

"I don't know." I said. "I might stay there a little while."

"Oh." Mom said.

"Don't worry, I'll come back. Sometime." I said.


"I honestly can't believe you're leaving." Hannah said while we were in my room and I was packing my bags.

"I'm not leaving." I chuckled. "I'm just going to visit my Nana and Papa Woody. And you said for me to go, so..."

"I didn't really think you would go! And I definitely didn't think you were going today."

"Well, maybe I've been planning to go for about a week or so." I admitted. "I didn't want you and Mom to talk me out of it."

"Don't go." Hannah whined. "I need my best friend."

"Aw." I smiled. "I'm coming back."

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