Chapter 49

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(((February 21, 2016)))
Nicole's POV
My little sister, Kayleigh, is coming up here today. She won't be here until after 4:00, though. Parker and I are going to the airport in Juneau to pick her up, ride the ferry back to the harbor in Haines, and drive home. Kayleigh can't go from the airport to the ferry all by herself. I have to take care of her while she's here. Parker and I agreed that we would act mature (as mature as we can get), and try not to be all over each other like we always are, just I sit in his lap sometimes and pecks on the cheek and lips whenever Kayleigh is around. We can't help that we get all over each other sometimes; it's just that we're in love. We're only like that at home; we're not like that in public, promise. We can be mature, but we're always going to act crazy and play around. We're young, crazy, and in love. Kayleigh's seen videos that Hannah's sent to her of me and Parker being silly together, and she said that we're relationship goals.

"Parker! Nick! Wake up!" Hannah yelled to us.

We had stayed up late last night and had a little fun because we wouldn't be able to while Kayleigh was here.

"Shut up, Hannah!" I yelled as I turned on my other side.

"I'm going to church! I thought y'all were going!" Hannah called. "Payson's going!"

"Ugh." I mumbled. "Parkie."

He mumbled.

"Do you wanna get up and go to church?" I mumbled without opening my eyes.

He mumbled and wrapped his arms back around me.

"I'm going back to sleep. We'll go tonight." I mumbled as I drifted back to sleep.

The next thing I know, Hannah is beside my bed shaking me awake.

"What?" I groggily said.

"Are y'all going to church or not?"

"No, we'll go tonight." I mumbled.

"Y'all need some Jesus!" Hannah yelled.

"You need some Jesus." I mumbled and smiled.

"I'm not the one that sleeps with my boyfriend every night." Hannah said.

"Shut up, Hannah. Do you really wanna get started on that?" I said.

"I've changed." Hannah said.

"Mmhm. Whatever. I'll sleep with my boyfriend whenever I want to." I smiled as I snuggled Parker.

"Y'all need Jesus." Hannah said.

"Go to church before you wake Parker up." I said. "And let me go back to sleep."

"I know why y'all so tired." Hannah said as she started walking.

"Shut up, Hannah." I said.
I woke up later on around 11:30. Hannah and Payson, along with Mom and Dad, wouldn't be out of church until around 12:00 or so. To tell you the truth, I do go to church. I went every Sunday and Wednesday while Parker was in Australia, because Hannah made me realize that I do need to go to church. I had just been so busy before, with my parents dying, then the holidays came around, Parker and I traveling. I haven't went the past few times because of traveling. I never realized how much Parker and I travel. I love traveling, though, it's one of my favorite things to do.

Parker was still asleep, of course, when I woke up. I got out from his grasp and went to the bathroom. When I came back about ten minutes later, I expected to see a woke-up Parker in the bed. Usually when I get up, he gets up. But he was still snoring in the bed. I figured now would be a good time to put on some coffee and get a shower while I let him sleep.
About forty five minutes later, I came into my room with my hair in a towel and my fuzzy purple robe on. Messy-haired Parker was sitting up in the bed with the dogs. I walked over to him with a smile and started trying to fix his hair a little.

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