Chapter 26

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(((December 15, 2015 [Nicole's 20th birthday!])))
Parker's POV
I woke up early this morning, around 8:00. Today is my girl's birthday. I'm determined that this year will be her favorite birthday. I decided that I would take her somewhere to eat breakfast when she got up instead of going and getting something to eat. I'm not saying anything about her new puppy; it's going to be a total surprise. Mom is taking care of the dog until we get back.

I woke up early for nothing; it's 8:30 and I already have everything planned for today. The day can't start until she wakes up, and I'm letting her sleep as long as she wants to. I'm getting hungry though, maybe I should've went and gotten something to eat.

I decided that I would watch television in the living room. While I'm sitting there, I thought of a great idea. I'm going to write her a letter and set beside her on the bed so she can read it when she wakes up.

I wandered around the house until I found a pen and paper. Then I sat down and started writing her birthday letter.

Dear Nick,

Happy birthday baby! You're officially twenty years old now! This is the first birthday we've spent together in forever. I love being able to spoil you on your birthday and holidays. You're the best thing in my life, and you mean the world to me. I have no idea what I would do without you. You're my girl, and I hope you will be forever. I hope you love your birthday present and have the best time ever. You know that I'm not always good with words or communicating. I'm glad you've stuck with me for so long. We've been friends forever, and I'm so happy that I'm with my best friend. We're in it for the long run, baby. I promise. I want to tell you something when you get up.

Your Parkie.

I folded the letter and wrote her name on it before walking upstairs to set it beside her. She was still fast asleep. I set the letter down and kissed her head. I proceeded back downstairs to watch television while she sleeps.
It was around 10:00 when she walked downstairs with a smile on her face. She came and sat in my lap and gave me a hug and a kiss.

"That note was so sweet. What did you want to tell me?" She asked.

"Um, I wanted to tell you....."


"I love you, Nick."

"Aw, Parker." She gave me a hug and laid her head on my chest. "I love you too."
We were on the way to Banner Elk, around where the abandoned Wizard of Oz theme park is. We were stopping at a local restaurant before going to the theme park. We ate, and the food was really good, actually. The prices were a little high though. But, hey, it is her birthday.

We finally got to the theme park, after about an hour and a half with all the eating and stuff. Her eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning. She told me that she's wanted to come here ever since she was thirteen.

I held her hand as we talked and walked along the yellow brick road. It really was abandoned, no one was there at all. We were free to act crazy and take pictures all we wanted. We were there exploring until about 4:00.

Next we went rafting, which was a good idea because it was only about ten minutes from where we were. It was really awesome; but the water was really cold, maybe it wasn't a good idea to go rafting in the winter. Nicole was holding onto me for dear life. She would not let go of me. But I didn't mind; it's my job to protect her.

Then we went somewhere to eat for dinner before we went back to the cabin. Back at the cabin, we both took showers because we were still a little wet from the rafting.

We took a walk outside of the cabin to explore.

"You know what, babe?" I said to her.

"What?" She smiled.

"I see why you like it up here. Nobody bothers you. You can just be with the people you love and hang around. Go out every once in awhile. Pretty nice."

"Yeah, it is. I would love to live here forever."

"We'll get a house in the mountains one day."


"Yeah. We'll get a house wherever you want. As long as I'm with you, I'm good."

"Aw, you're sweet."

I stopped walking and pulled her into my arms. I pressed my lips against hers in a long, slow kiss.

"You wanna go back to the house?" I asked her, with one thing on my mind.

"Sure." She smiled. "I'll race ya." She started running with her light back up to the house. I ran beside her until I pulled ahead of her and won the race.

"I won." I said, almost out of breath.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on." She said as we walked into the cabin. "I'm going upstairs. I'll be right back. Find something on the TV."

Instead of going into the living room, I followed her upstairs. She was taking off my hoodie that she had on when I wrapped my arms around her from the back. I kissed her neck.

"What are you doing, Parker?" She giggled.

I just smiled and continued to kiss her. She turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck. I kissed her lips while her fingers played with the ends of my hair, her fingers getting tighter every time the kiss deepened.

We fell onto the bed as we kissed and held each other. I took off my shirt as she unbuckled my pants. My pants fell to the ground as I pulled her shirt above her head. Her pants then came off, and I unhooked her bra.

I hovered over her while we kissed. I slowly started to leave kisses down her jawline down to her neck. She let out a moan. My excitement was very evident in my boxers.

Giving ourselves to each other was the best feeling I've ever had. It was so much more than just sex. There was true love involved in it.

It was slow, passionate, the most beautiful thing in the world. I sure weren't a virgin, and I knew Nicole wasn't either. But that time, it felt right, unlike any of the other times I've done it.

I guess you could say that that night was one of the best nights ever. I knew we were so right for each other. And after that, I knew that she was the only one for me, if there was ever any doubt before.

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