Chapter 25

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Nicole's POV
Last night, we stayed in the hot tub for about an hour. Then we got out, changed, and got ready for bed. Before he went to sleep, he asked me what I wanted to do for today. I didn't know. He told me to look up some things to do on my laptop this morning. I agreed, and we snuggled up close under the covers and went to sleep.

I woke up first and got out of the bed, letting him sleep a little while longer. I moved his hair away from his face and kissed his forehead before grabbing my laptop and phone to go downstairs. I decided to sit on the back porch and search my laptop for things to do. Then, I got distracted by the scenery and all the things in and around the house. I took pictures. Parker woke up and came to where I was in the bathroom, brushing my teeth.

"Morning, baby." I said, with my mouth full of toothpaste.

"Good morning, darlin'." He wrapped one arm around my waist and kissed my temple. "Have you decided what you wanna do today?"

"Um, I just got up. Not yet. Get in the shower, and I'll have it figured out, okay?" I replied after I rinsed my mouth out.

"I'm hungry, baby."

"Well, there's no food here. We'll stop and get something to eat."

"But you don't even know where to go."

"Let me figure it out, okay?"

"Fine. You bringing me some clothes and a towel?" He said, taking off his shirt.

"Sure." I said.

I walked down the hall to our room to grab his clothes and get him a towel. I opened the bathroom door and handed him his things. I then shut the door behind me and went back into our room. I changed my clothes and brushed my hair before I made the bed. After doing a couple more things, I finally made it down to the living room where my laptop was to search for things to do. It took about thirty minutes, but I finally found the perfect route to take and where to go first. By that time, Parker was sitting beside me waiting for directions on how to get to a restaurant.

"Okay, so we're going to Flat Top Manor, and stopping by Burger King on the way there." I said.

"How long is it going to take to get there?"

"Twenty minutes to Burger King, and ten minutes from there to the manor."

"Not bad. You sure you wanna go to a house, though?"

"Yes. We have a whole week to do whatever we want. And our first stop is Flat Top Manor." I started grabbing my things.

"No, our first stop is Burger King, babe."

"Yeah, I know." I smiled. "Now, come on, before you die of starvation." I laughed as I started walking to the door.

"I might die." He joked. "Hey, you got the key?"

"No, you had it."

"It's upstairs. I'll be right there. Get in the truck." He said as he started up the stairs.

I walked outside, got into the truck, and called Flat Top Manor for a tour of the house. Parker came outside a few minutes later right when I was hanging up the phone.

"I just called and there's a tour of the house at 11:30."

"Okay. Now how you get to Burger King?"

I smiled and pulled up the directions on my phone. I turned on the GPS on my phone, and it started telling us where to go.
We had a late breakfast at Burger King, and we drove to the manor. We got there a little after 11:00. We parked the truck and started walking up to the house.

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