Chapter 53

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(((February 26, 2016)))
Nicole's POV
Today is Kayleigh's birthday, and she's still asleep in the bed at 10:00. We stayed up late last night, all four of us, playing Monopoly and poker. I made hot chocolate and coffee, and I piled marshmallows and chocolate in a frying pan to put in the oven to melt. We used graham crackers to eat it, and it was just like s'mores, without the campfire. It was a fun way to end the day.

I walked into the living room, and Parker was still snoring on the couch. Hannah was awake and in the bathroom, so she and I were the only ones awake. I figured that I would wake my boyfriend up, after all, he can't get used to sleeping in when he has to start work soon.

"Parker!" I yelled as I threw a pillow at him.

He still slept like a log.

"Parker!" I yelled again as I threw another pillow at him.

He was still snoring.

I blowed at him and went to sit down on the floor beside him. Okay, I'll try a different approach.

"Parker, baby, it's time to get up." I said sweetly as I moved the hair from in front of his face. "Parker."

Still asleep.

I gave up and sat there for a few minutes looking at my sleeping Parker. I smiled at him, and got an idea. I stood up on my knees and scooted closer. I put my right hand behind his neck and laid my other one on his chest. I pressed my lips against his, and as I was kissing him, he put his arms around me and pulled me up on the couch on top of him.

I pulled away from him once I was sitting on his stomach, and smiled. "You faker! You wasn't asleep!"

He laughed. "I woke up a few minutes ago when you were messing with my hair. I knew you would kiss me if I waited long enough."

"You turd. That's the last time I'm doing that." I smirked.

"You know that's not true." He smiled. "Hey, is anybody else up?"

"Yeah, Hannah is."

Parker mumbled something about how he never gets a minute alone with me, which made me give him a knowing smile and lay on his chest in a hug. He wrapped his arms around me, and we just laid there together. It's safe to say that I missed sleeping in the same bed with my boyfriend.

"Good morning, guys." Hannah said as she came into the living room.

"Good morning." I smiled and turned my head to look at her.

"Morning." Parker mumbled.

"So what are we doing today?" Hannah asked.

"Um, I guess Mom and I are going to cook something to eat and a cake." I said.

"Do I still gotta occupy Kayleigh while you're doing that?" Parker said.

"No, Mom and I talked about it, and we're just going to cook what Kayleigh wants to eat and we asked her what kind of cake she wanted. So she already knows what we're doing. We're not decorating or anything, just a dinner and she'll open her presents." I said.

"Off duty." He smiled as he put his arm behind his head.

"Shut up." I smiled as I got off of the couch.

"You always leave me." Parker groaned as I started to walk.

"I do not." I said. "More like I'm always with you."

"Whatever." He mumbled.

"You're so cranky. Stop it." I said to him.

"I can be cranky if I want to." Parker replied.

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