Chapter 86

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(((July 5, 2016)))
Nicole's POV

After trying to get Parker up for a half hour and then having to give him medicine to get rid of his headache, he finally felt like getting on the road.

"Okay, so maybe I drank too much yesterday." Parker chuckled as we drove down the road.

"Ya think?" I smirked. "And then you were talking about driving last night. And I'm like, uh no."

"I'm glad you didn't let me." Parker said.

"It's a good thing you have me." I smiled over at him.

"Best thing." Parker smiled as he kissed the back of my hand.

"But I really had a great time yesterday." I smiled.

"That's good, baby." Parker said. "I had fun too."

"Look, Parker." I smiled as I lifted up his flannel shirt I was wearing. "I'm really starting to show a little bit now, huh?"

Parker smirked as he looked over at me. "Yeah. But you've been showing for a while now, baby."

I smiled and playfully slapped his arm. "Yeah, but you couldn't really tell it. That's what Mom said, at least. She's like, 'you need to eat more. You don't even look pregnant.' I'm like, Mom, chill out. I'll be big and pregnant soon enough."

Parker chuckled along with me. "You know how Mom is."

"I know. She tells me new ideas for baby names every time she calls me." I cracked a smile as I unlocked my phone.

"It's the first baby she's had around in twenty years." Parker smirked. "Her first grandchild."

"I know." I smiled as I texted Kayleigh. "You know, I'm glad we have such a great support system. I have no idea what we'd do without Mom and Dad."

I smiled at him as I listened to him talk about how lucky we were and then he went on to talk about what he's going to do when we get back up to the mine before the beach trip. He was right, we were lucky. I'm lucky enough to have such a great man like him. There's probably not a lot of men like him left in the world.

"Kayleigh keeps on asking me when she can come see us." I told Parker once we had talked about his mining for a while.

Parker shrugged. "Whenever she wants to, I guess. But we'll be gone next week and then the next week after that is the fair. I know we're going to that."

"And it's your birthday that week!" I smiled.

"Yeah." Parker chuckled uncomfortably. "Anyway, what I'm saying is that for these three weeks we're going to be pretty busy. Maybe some time in August."

"She goes back to school on August 15th, Parker. And she hasn't even seen us. And we told her that she could come see us this summer."

"Well, shit happens and things change." Parker said defensively. "I mean, I'm busy, you're busy. I don't know what a twelve year old girl is going to do at a mine site anyhow."

"I know we're busy, Parker. But we always manage to do the things we want to do." I said.

"We're both too damn busy to have a kid at the mine site right now." Parker stated.

"Then how the heck are we going to have a baby up there next year?" I asked him.

"How the fuck should I know?" Parker argued as he threw a hand in the air before clutching the wheel back. "I didn't even want this baby!"

"You said you did!" I argued back defensively.

"Yeah, when it was forced on me."

I scoffed and looked at him. I couldn't believe what he was saying. "Why don't you tell us how you really feel, Parker?" I said sarcastically, squinting my eyes at him.

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