Chapter 29

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(((December 19, 2015)))
Parker's POV
The next day and one plane ride later, we were back home in snowy Haines. We were back home by 1:00 in Haines, and I have to admit, it felt pretty good to be back home. We went to her house first and put her bags in her room. Then we drove to go see Mom and Dad, and her new puppy, even though she had no idea about the puppy.

We pulled up into the driveway, and she got right out and ran up to the door. She was more happy to be home than anyone. She turned back around when she realized that she had forgot the things she had gotten for Mom and Dad from the mountains. I smiled as I handed her the bag and held her hand as we walked back up to the door. Mom had seen us through the window and was already standing at the door, smiling.

"Mom!" Nicole said as she gave her a hug as soon as the door was opened.

"It's so good to have you both back!" Mom said as she gave us both hugs and kisses.

"Mom, we weren't gone that long." I said as we walked in.

"Well, I know. But I still missed you." Mom said.

"We missed you too, Mom." Nicole smiled as we sat on the couch while Mom was in the kitchen.

"Mom, what are you doing?" I asked her.

"Getting you something to eat." Mom answered.

"Mom, we already ate." I said.

"Well, here's some tea anyway." Mom said as she handed us some tea.

"Where's Dad?" I asked Mom.

"Outside with the um, dog." Mom smiled.

"Oh, right, Dozer." I said, not wanting Nicole to catch on to the new puppy thing. "I'm going outside for a minute with him. I'll be right back."

"Oh, Mom, here. We got you and Dad some stuff..." I heard Nicole say as I walked out the back door.

I walked outside to see Dad standing outside watching Dozer play with the new little puppy. I walked over and stood beside Dad.

"Hey, Dad. What's up?" I said.

"Hey, son. I'm watching the dogs. Your mom sent me outside with the puppy when she saw you pull up."

"Thanks for watching the pup, Dad. You have a good week?"

"Same as always, son. What about you?"

"Great. It was really fun."

"Well, that's good. You ready to go back inside? It's getting kinda cold out."

"Sure. I'll get the little dog." I said as I walked over to the dogs.

Dad walked on inside while I petted Dozer before picking up the puppy and carrying him inside.

I walked back inside to see Nicole hugging Dad and telling him hello. I hid the dog behind my back the best I could while I walked into the living room. She had her back turned to me, and Mom and Dad were smiling at me while I was standing there with a big grin on my face.

"Nick." I said, causing her to turn around and look at me.

She gasped as I showed her the puppy. "Oh, my gosh, Parker! That is the cutest little puppy ever!" She started loving on the dog. "Who's is it?"

"Yours." I smiled.

"Oh, my gosh. Nuh-uh. For real?" Nicole smiled as she looked at me, Mom, and Dad.

"Yeah, baby. He's your birthday/Christmas present." I said as I handed him to her.

She was smiling from ear to ear while she held him and sat down on the floor. "Thank you so much, baby. I love him."

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