Chapter 32

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((December 24, 2015)))
Nicole's POV
The last two days have been nothing but running errands, doing various chores, talking with Mom while doing said various chores, Parker doing various chores, trying to keep up with Bear to make sure he doesn't get into anything, and getting everything ready for the Christmas dinner tonight. We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa yesterday and the day before that, and Payson came home on Tuesday. Christmas is always a busy time, and I'll be glad when dinner is cooked, and we can all sit down and eat, talk, and enjoy each other's company.

As for me and Parker, we're fine. He still asks me if I'll go with him to Australia and New Zealand, but my answer is still no. He pouts for a little bit, but he gets over it in a few minutes. I'll miss him more than anything though, and that's why I'm seriously considering on going, even though I really don't want to. I'm considering it, and I have one more day to change my mind. Go with him, against what I want to do, or stay home, and miss him and be worried about him for five weeks.

Mom and I are in the kitchen cooking, and the men are somewhere, no telling where they are, really. I see some of them walk by occasionally. Grandpa and Grandma are on the way over. The time is almost 5:00. Food should be done by 6:30, after cooking all day long. Then, we will have a nice big dinner, open presents, and have the traditional Christmas that we all love.

"Parker!" I called to him from inside. He was outside and I needed him.

He came in a few minutes later.

"What you need?" He said as he walked in.

"Go help your grandparents that are out there." I said as I gestured outside to where they had just pulled up. That wasn't what I had called him for, but that was more important. I did the other thing myself instead.

"Oh, yeah." He said as he sprinted out the door and up to Grandpa, who was getting out of the truck.

"Mom, can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Sure, sweetie." She answered as she was cooking.

"Do you think that I should go with Parker to Australia? I kinda don't want to go, but I kinda do. You know?"

"I can't tell you what to do, but if I didn't want to go, I probably wouldn't go. But I know why you're thinking about going. You should just do whatever you think is right for you, and Parker will be fine."

"Thanks, Mom." I smiled.

About that time, Parker, Grandma, and Grandpa came in. Everyone greeted each other with hugs and kisses, and Parker set the presents that they had brought over by the Christmas tree. Grandpa went to sit in the living room, and Grandma came into the kitchen with Mom and me.

Parker, Payson, and Dad stayed in the living room with Grandpa most of the time; someone was always in the living room with him. They talked, and we in the kitchen heard pretty much everything that they said. Every once in a while, we would chime in on their conversations. They would come steal something to eat every once in a while, only to be chastised by Mom for doing so.

Christmas dinner was finally through right before 7:00, and it couldn't have come any sooner. We had ham, prime rib, and deer meat as the main dishes. The sides included potatoes, potato salad, sweet rolls, as well as other little dishes, including vegetables. I had made a lot of desserts, mostly because I couldn't choose which ones I liked better. We had cake, pies, cookies, cupcakes, peach cobbler, and brownies. I had made every dessert related to Christmas somehow, except for the peach cobbler. Mom and I had also made a special Christmas punch.

"Okay, guys, time to eat." Mom said.

Almost as soon as she got the words out of her mouth, the men were getting up and heading towards the table. Parker helped Grandpa up and walked him over to the table, and we all sat down. Grandpa said the blessing, and we started eating.
After we ate, we went into the living room for a little while before opening the presents. It was around 8:30 when Parker and I started handing out the presents for everyone to open. I don't rightly remember what everyone got, honestly. Mom and Dad got me a polaroid camera, which was what I had been wanting forever. Grandpa and Grandma got me a new coat and a sweater, and Payson gave me some perfume. Parker got some good presents, too.

But the highlight of everyone's night, in my opinion, was when Grandma and Grandpa opened the photo album that we had put together. The rest of us had already looked through the whole thing a few times, so Grandma and Grandpa sat beside each other and looked through the whole thing. It was so worth every minute of making that album to see them smile and laugh while they were looking through the pictures. They talked about the pictures, and they even cried a little. It was the best thing ever to know that I had a hand in making that for them. I could tell that it meant a lot to Parker that they had liked the album, along with their other presents.

We spent the rest of the time talking, mostly. Mom and I made some eggnog, and it was surprisingly good to me, even though it usually isn't.

"Hey, guys, come in the kitchen." Payson said a few minutes after everyone had gotten their drinks and had went back to talking.

"Why?" I said.

"Just come on. Bring your drinks." Payson said as he walked into the kitchen.

Parker followed him, and I rolled my eyes as I followed them. Payson got some bourbon out of the fridge, and poured some in his eggnog. Parker went to smiling and put his cup where Payson could pour some in his.

"Oh, yeah, man. Good idea." Parker said.

"I know, right." Payson smiled as he poured some into mine.

"You guys are a trip." I chuckled as I drank some.

"You love us, though." Payson said.

"Maybe a little." I smirked and winked.

"So what did Parker get you for Christmas, Nick? Besides that dumb dog." Payson smirked.

I gasped in shock. "He's not dumb. He's the sweetest dog ever. You're just jealous."

"I actually haven't gave her the presents yet. We decided that we would do that tomorrow before we leave." Parker said.

"We? So she finally said that she would go?" Payson asked.

"No, I didn't." I stated.

"Well, I was hoping that you would. You're just hardheaded." Parker said.

I scoffed. "Whatever." And I walked back into the living room with the rest of the family while they stayed in the kitchen for a few more minutes.
Christmas was pretty good. I believe that it was one of my favorite Christmases ever. It was where I love, with the people I love, but the only thing that could've made it better is if my parents were there. I didn't really show it, but I was actually thinking about them a lot during the whole month of December. Parker noticed it a couple times., and he got me feeling better, but my thoughts almost always went back to them. I really have no idea what I would do without him and his family.

After Grandpa and Grandma went back home, Mom and I put all the food up. Then, Parker had to pack up all his stuff for his five week trip to Australia. He kept on trying to talk me into going with him, and I almost said yes a few times. But, I didn't. This would be the last night that we would have together for five weeks.

Parker and I went to my house to sleep, also because that was where our presents were, under my tree.

We were laying in my room on the bed, with Bear asleep in my lap, watching a movie.
Parker had his arms around me, and I had one arm on him, and the other one on Bear. I had my head on Parker's chest, and he would rub my back or legs.

"Does the dog have to sleep with us tonight, baby?" Parker asked.

"Why?" I asked.

He whispered in my ear and I giggled.

"I guess not." I smiled.

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