Chapter 4

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(((November 10, 2015)))

If two people are meant to be together, they will find their way back to each other's arms, no matter what.

Parker's POV
We arrived at the beach, and she was smiling as she looked at me. I smiled and got out of the truck. She was grabbing her phone as I opened her door.

"What do you need your phone for?" I asked her. "Waiting for your boyfriend to text you?" I teased.

She gave me a look and set her phone back in the cup holder. "No. You ain't bringing your phone?"

"Nope. Seems like I get a hundred notifications a day. It aggravates me. I just want to sit on the rocks with you."

"Okay. Let's go." She got out of the truck, and we started walking.

We walked until we finally found a place to sit on the rocks. There was nobody there except for me and her. We sat down, and she sighed as she looked at the ocean. I tried looking at the ocean, but I found myself looking at her.

"This is awesome. It's like this is what I missed. The beaches back in North Carolina aren't like this." She said.

"I've missed having you here. Every time I came here with my friends or my girlfriend at the time, I thought of the times that we came here."

"We practically lived here. Every time we got the chance, we would get somebody to drive us here."

"And then we would ditch them and walk down the beach by ourselves." I smirked.

We laughed. "Yeah, we would. I've missed you too. But you could've came and saw me, you know." She nudged me.

"I know, but I never had the time, it seemed like. I mean, when I would travel, I usually went with someone else. I'm sorry that I didn't go see you. I'm glad you're here now."

"Me too."

"You missed out on high school here. We had some good times. You should've been here."

"Yeah, I went to high school at a Christian school. There was no dances, and there was stupid rules, and we couldn't wear pants. We had to wear uniforms." She said as she rolled her eyes.

"So you never got to go to a dance or prom?"

"Nope. But I remember that you were going to take me to your eighth grade prom." She smiled.

"Yeah, I was. I asked you and everything, even though it was like four months away. You almost went to my prom with me."

"Yeah, then I moved. I moved right after my birthday and Christmas."

"Yeah, you didn't even stay for New Year's."

"I wish I could've stayed here."

"You could've stayed with me. Mama would've let you stay at our house."

"Yeah, my dad would definitely go for that." She said sarcastically.

"Your dad loved me, what you talking bout?"

"He did love you; you were like his son. But he didn't like the fact that me and you were alone together so much. Mama and me had to convince him that there wasn't anything going on between me and you."

"We were little kids. What did he think was going on?" I laughed.

"I don't know. That's my dad for you."

"You were my first kiss, though."

"We were like five, Parker."

"It still counts."

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