Chapter 102

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(((August 11, 2016)))

Nicole's POV

It had been almost three days since Parker and I have actually had a conversation that didn't involve us getting angry with each other.

"Did you want me to make you lunch, Parker?" I said into the radio as I was sitting on the couch in the trailer.

"That'd be nice." Parker radioed back.

"Okay, I'll bring it out to you then." I replied.

"Alright." Parker said.

The man still had to eat.

I sighed as I stood up and walked out of the trailer, going to the kitchen where the leftover prime rib was from last night. I looked down at my blue skinny jeans and my flip flops that shown out my red painted toes as I walked.

After I had made his sandwich, I walked to his truck that was by where he was operating an excavator, the dogs following me.

"Dozer, how much you wanna bet that me and your daddy will get in an argument again?" I asked him as he looked up at me while he was walking beside me.

I sat on the tailgate of his truck with the sandwiches and radioed him.

"Parker." I said.

"I see you. I'm coming." Parker radioed back.

A couple minutes later, I saw the excavator stop and Parker jump out of it. He came and sit beside me and grabbed a sandwich off the plate. I picked mine up and we started eating in silence.

"You got something to drink?" Parker asked me after he had taken a few bites.

"Oh, yeah." I said as I reached beside me and grabbed the water bottle I had brought. "Here." I handed it to him.

"Thanks." He replied dryly as he took it and twisted the cap off.

I went back to eating my sandwich and he set the water in between us. Bear started licking my toes and I laughed before putting them up on the tailgate, sitting criss-cross. Parker smirked down at Bear for a second before taking another bite of his sandwich.

When we had finished eating in an awkward silence, he got off the tailgate.

"See you at dinner." Parker said as he grabbed his hard hat.

"Yeah." I said as I watched him put the hat on as he walked away.

"Well, guys," I looked down at the dogs who were laying down on the ground. "At least we didn't argue about anything."

I looked up and saw Parker climbing back in the excavator. I sighed as I slid off the tailgate.


"So me and Parker kinda haven't been talking that much." I said to Hannah who was on the other end of the phone I was holding up to my ear.

"What? Why? Why haven't I heard about this before? How long has this been going on?" Hannah bombarded me with questions.

"Since Monday night." I said.

"And it's Thursday!" Hannah said. "What happened?"

"He wanted to have sex and I said no." I said plainly.

"So you said no one time out of all the times. Why's he so mad about that?" Hannah said.

"He thinks he can fix it but he can't. I told him that I didn't want to because of losing the baby and I was still sad about it and he's like, 'don't give me that shit.'" I explained.

The Miner's GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora