I totally forgot that I'm standing right in front of the door, until I'm pushed forward again.

I turn around, "Seriously?"

My eyes widen at the sight. Two African-American men are standing next to each other, eyeing me like I'm a prize. They look to each other until one steps forward and smiles at me with a full-on gold grill in his mouth.

"What's a fine young lady standing all alone by herself in here?" the man bites his lower lip and smells my neck. "Hmm, this one is sandlewood Snoop, aint no vanilla on her!" He looks at the other man, who seems unbothered by us.

I clear my throat, "Excuse me," smile and back away. Thank goodness I see the glorious restroom sign immediately and sprint towards it, not looking back.

All I hear is one shouting to the other, "Nah man! You scared her away!"

When I'm done touching up my lipstick in the mirror, a blonde haired woman walks up to the counter and stands next to me. She readjusts her pink mini dress and smiles.

"Don't I know you?"

I look at her in the mirror, she seems oddly familiar, but I certaintly don't know her name, so I just shrug.

"I'm Paris," she says and turns to me with her hand sticking out.

I shake it and return the gesture, "Leah."

"That lipstick looks good on you, what is it?"

"Um, I honestly have no idea," I admit, looking for some kind of name on the tube. I turn it around and see the name, "Oh right, Mac," I say.

She giggles, "Mac is the best!" She blows me a kiss with her glossy lips and walks out.

I take a deep breath, check if I still look okay in the mirror and make my way to the exit. I should probably get back to Denzel before he thinks I ditched him.

When I walk out to the VIP area, I stop for a moment to look around. Denzel said if I'm lucky I would meet some of the company's famous clients. I try to see anyone I would recognize.

Not that there would be many.

"You," I hear the familiar, husky voice say. A sudden touch to my right hand makes me jump as I look to my side, seeing him. My whole body freezes.

Justin Bieber sits on a loveseat, leaning his head against the wall for support. His golden brown eyes sparkle in the amber light and he smiles at me like I'm the best thing he could have seen for the night.

"Elevator girl," he says.

My cheeks feel as if they are about to explode with the blush I try to hide.

He chuckles, "Leah, right?"

I nod, not being able to move or speak for that matter.

He pulls my hand towards him, "Aren't you going to say something?" he laughs.

I follow his guide and let my whole body step closer to where he sits. I stand right in front of him and clear my throat, "Fancy seeing you here," I croak.

Smooth, real smooth..

His golden eyes bore into mine, "I tried looking for you in New York," he says.

Look for me? Did I hear him right? Oh lord, please don't let me start hyperventilating in front of him.

"Why?" I manage to ask.

"I wanted to see you," he admits. The corner of mouth tugs up into a half smile.

Is this...?

Stranger // [Justin Bieber]Where stories live. Discover now