Chapter 13

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I wish that I could say that her words shocked me but in truth they did not. I had always done everything in my power to make sure that she was not hurt; physically, mentally or emotionally, upset, in need or want for anything. Which I see now just spoiled her more and desensitized her to what the real world was all about. Maybe I should have let her deal with her own problems more. Instead of trying to protect her too much. I looked up and saw Dimitri shaking his head at me.

"It is not your fault how she turned out milaya."

I smiled at him letting him know that I received his message.

I steeled myself to what I knew I had to say. I could not believe that she and I had turned out this way. What she has become broke my heart.

"So again prisoner Dragomir, you want to blame the things that you have done wrong on me and the darkness. There is only one small problem with that. I was taking your darkness even after all the terrible things that you said to me and the horrific way that you treated me. I still pulled your darkness at least twice a day sometimes even three times a day. So you can't say that you compelling Dimitri was because of the darkness. Because you didn't have any more darkness left to blame it on. I know this because I would check every few hours and if there was some I would pull it out of you and bring it into myself. As usual. So no you can't blame any of what you did on the darkness. And for your information it was never my place to take your darkness from you. I only did that because I loved you like you were my sister. I actually thought that we were family stupid me I know. But the darkness is not the reason behind your actions. It was all your own hatefulness, petty jealousy, and childishness, that made you compel Dimitri into hurting me. All because you were not getting what you wanted what you always thought that you deserved. Everybody's complete and total undivided attention. If you thought that anyone was thinking or looking at something other than you for more than two minutes. You blew your stack; you have been like that since we were five years old. I always had to make you think that you had my full complete and undivided attention or you would throw a temper tantrum. If you even thought for a millisecond that you were not the center of my world you would do something stupid just to regain my attention. That is the real reason that you cut yourself. When we were out of the academy you stopped cutting. Because my mind always had to be on you and on protecting you. But when we came back to the academy I had studies that I had to concentrate on that didn't bother you too much. Because you knew that my studies were centered around protecting you thus again making you the center of my world. But when Dimitri and I started getting closer and closer. Then you started cutting again. I got tired of you being the only person allowed in my life. Then when I truly understood that Dimitri and I had fallen in love I knew I would do anything for him. Even leave you prisoner Dragomir, as hard as that is for you to comprehend. You can't control me or anyone else for that matter anymore. I want you to know this from my own lips. When we disconnect this communication none of us will ever think of you again. Oh just so you know, the new Princess Dragomir is doing a wonderful job our little 'jailbait' is all grown up. So be proud of her, fortunately for her, her element is water. Spirit while a wonderful gift that I can now use, is also difficult to control. Unless you are lucky enough to be like me and have the help of a wonderful husband to help you with it. So prisoner Dragomir this will be your last contact with the outside world. We do hope that you enjoy your padded cell. Cancel transmission."

"We forgot to inform Mariz that prisoner Ozera is not supposed to have any more outside communications." Chris reminded us.

"It is not a big deal." I turned and looked at Mia, "Mia would you call and inform Mariz that there are to be no more outside communications for or with prisoner Ozera? And make sure that Tarasov understands that the same goes for prisoner Dragomir."

"Yes of course your majesty, right away." I watched her dial her phone and walk away.

Christmas came and again all of our family congregated in our living room after dinner for gifts. Dimitri and I absolutely spoiled the kids rotten. Much to the chagrin of their respective mothers. We had already bought every game system in use as well as every age appropriate game made for each system. Along with all the accessories for each system. And had it placed in the game room of the future Belikova household.

But for Christmas we bought Pasha, all of the hand held game systems we could find and again the appropriate accompanying games and accessories. Along with carrying cases for each of them and then one big enough to put it all in. We also bought everyone enough clothes to fill their new closets that they knew nothing about. Everything either of us could possibly think of that they ever might want or need we got.

I made sure to give Dimitri his gifts last. He loved it all; the books, the dusters, the boots, the hats, holsters and badge were all a big hit. When I gave him the necklace with the Belikov family crest on it he and the Belikova's adults all cried. After the wrapping paper mess had been cleaned up I got everyone's attention and got them to sit down before turning to Dimitri.

"Comrade, I have another gift for you."

"Milaya, you have already given me so much." He tried to object.

"This isn't an actual Christmas gift; this is an engagement gift."

I sat down beside him and handed him the box. I watched as he opened it and tears sprang to his eyes. I took the ring from him and paced it on the index finger of his right hand.

"I asked and found out that though Russian men like most all men don't wear engagement rings. But that some women do buy their fiancés rings. And since I had no idea what to get you I got you this. This ring is to signify that I love you more than my own life. And I want everyone that sees you to know that you are mine and mine alone for eternity. You light up my heart and soul Dimitri, and you have since the moment the first moment that we met. I love you Comrade."

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