Chapter 6

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"Yes, your majesty." I jokingly growled at them, which just made them all laugh.

Soon, we had dropped the others off and returned home. When we arrived back at home all the other members of our family were already present.

"Adrian, did you do what I told you?"

"Yes, my queen. Exactly as you told me, no slick."

"Good, I am very proud of you."

I obnoxiously patted him on the head, like a well-mannered puppy. Making everyone laugh, but Adrian just shook his head at me and rolled his eyes teasingly.

"Alright, have you all picked out something? And remember, it can never be removed."

"Everyone has something but you Rose." Oksana said. Someone, had already given her the rings that my guardians had picked out at the jewelers.

"No Roza has something, or at least I hope she does." Dimitri said. I hadn't even remembered to get anything for myself so what is he talking about.

"I am sorry Comrade I completely forgot to get anything for myself."

He just smiled turned and walked into our bedroom and came back to me a few minutes later. The next thing I realized, was that he was on bended knee in front of me.

"Roza, I have loved you from the moment that I set eyes on you. Things have been difficult for us, most of the time. But that has never diminished my love for you in any way. The only thing that I need to survive in this life, is you. You are the reason that I breathe, you are warmer than the sun to me, you shine brighter than the moon and stars combined. You Roza, are the only reason that I exist. If it weren't for you and your love I would still be a soulless monster. You and your love healed me milaya, and I love you more and more with every passing day. Please grant me my greatest wish... will you her royal majesty, Queen Rosemarie Marinique Rana Ivashkov marry me?" 

I heard awe's from every woman in that room, along with more than a few sniffles.

"Dimitri Belikov, I have loved you from the moment we met. No matter what we went through, and we have been through quite a bit, I still loved you. I would die every day for you, I would kill anyone trying to come between us. I actually almost have you just didn't know it. You have dealt with and put up with a great deal, all because you fell in love with me. Every day I think that I can't love you more. But the very next day you do or say something that just makes me love you even more. It would be the greatest achievement and honor of my life to be your wife, so yes, yes my love I will happily and gladly marry you. My big giant teddy bear Russian battle God."

Laughing he slid the ring onto my finger, but all I could see were his eyes as they shined with tears of happiness. He then stood and brought me into an earth shattering kiss. The longer we kissed the louder the cheers became. When we finally pulled back the congratulations started.

Mine and Dimitri's rings were the last things to be charmed. Oksana looked at both of them when she finished she smiled telling me how beautiful it was, and I had to agree. It was a red fire opal, surrounded by sapphires and diamonds. Then she looked at Dimitri's and gasped, his ring was different than the other guardians. Dimitri's ring had long stem rose's engraved on each side of it with a heart in front and behind each of the roses, then across the top of the ring, were the words 'my Roza.' I smiled, because I had seen it when I put it on him earlier.

"What is it?" Olena asked.

Dimitri's ring was passed around until it reached my father. "Rose, did you see the inside inscription?"


He handed it to me and I read it aloud, "my Roza, you will and always have come first." I looked at Dimitri and cried. I put his ring back on his finger and again kissed it. "And you my darling Comrade, will and always have come first, to me." More awe's and another soul searing kiss later everyone present had their jewelry on.

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