Chapter 12

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"Prisoner Ozera, if you cannot address me as Guardian Belikov then this video link will be terminated." I knew he again said that for my benefit.

"What? Are you serious?" She sounded shocked and upset that Dimitri would supposedly insult her by not allowing her to call him 'Dimka'.

"Yes prisoner Ozera, I am quite serious. Now why did you wish to speak with us? We are very busy people, and we don't have the time to waste, on unimportant matters."

"I want you and Christian to talk to whoever you have to, to get me out of here. I promise that I won't try to kill that little blood whore again as long as she stays away from what is mine."

"Prisoner Ozera, that word that you just spoke has been stricken from our vocabulary thanks to our new queen. And because you have used that offensive word and you are already in prison. You will receive one week of hard labor outside in the sun. Now, what is it that you think is yours?"

"You and Christian are mine. My family."

She acted as though she didn't even hear what Dimitri said about her punishment for calling me a blood whore.

"I do not belong to you, not in any way shape or form, do I belong to you. I never have and I never will. I belong to but one person, and that is my soul mate and fiancée* Rose." I noticed right away that he didn't use my full name or title.

"What do you mean fiancée?!"

"I mean just exactly what I said. There is but one meaning for the word fiancée. Now is that all prisoner Ozera?"

"No I want to appeal to the new queen I heard that Tatiana had retired."

"Let me get this straight, you want to make an appeal to the new queen. In the hopes that she will let you out of Mariz. For the murder of Rose, the attempted murder of Rose, that attempted murder of former queen Tatiana Ivashkov amongst all your other crimes. Did I hear that correctly?" Dimitri pretended to be shocked, but I could tell that he really wasn't. He was just amused at what Tasha was about to find out.


"Well then by all means go ahead she is listening." I don't know if being out in the dessert for the last few months had affected her eye sight or if she was just really and truly crazy. Because how could she not see me? I was sitting right next to Dimitri with a fucking crown on my head for pete's sake. Dimitri quietly chuckled as that thought crossed my mind too. At his silent chuckle I just turned looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"Your majesty, I implore you to allow me to come home. I didn't hurt anyone of any importance."

I saw both Dimitri and Chris stiffen with anger when she said that.

"If that little slut hadn't tried to steal my Dimka from me then nothing would have happened to her. And this could have all been avoided. So this is really all her fault... so can I come home please?"

I almost outright laughed, I did quietly chuckle at her. "No prisoner Ozera. You were sent to Mariz for your crimes and you will stay there until the day that you die and stay dead. Your body will be watched for a month to assure that there is no reanimation of any kind. After which Chris will organize whatever service that he sees fit for you."

"Is that Rose Hathaway impersonating royalty?!!! You know that is against the law you little blood whore..."

"That is two weeks' hard labor in the sun prisoner Ozera. Care to continue calling our queen that word? Because the next punishment is sixty lashes from a bullwhip with charmed silver razor blade sticking out between the leather straps."

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