Thousands of enquires were made as to their health all of which were given the same answer. 'They are doing well but they are both still unconscious, we are hopeful that they will wake up soon.'

Tatiana has been acting in Rose's stead again, and ordered a cleanup and head count. At sunset on day three they woke up. They awoke to a room over filled with flowers, balloons, stuffed animals, fruit baskets, candy baskets and believe it or not, doughnut baskets.

The doughnut baskets being from the guardians. Every guardian that knew Rose knew about her love of chocolate doughnuts. If she were human, she could have been a cop because of all the doughnuts she eats.

"I think someone accidentally stored a florist in here." Were her first words.

We all laughed at her because we all knew that she was not used to  things like this. A few of the baskets addressed to specifically Rose or Dimitri, had notes asking them out on dates when they recovered, and some even had marriage proposals. Which we all laughed at, hysterically.


The day after we woke up we were allowed to go home. When the announcement that we were awake and fine had been made. The reaction was astronomical. Every day more flowers and gifts arrived. Again, some with requests for dates and marriage proposals. We all still thought that was funny.

A few days after we got out of the hospital I called a court wide mandatory meeting. We needed to discuss what had happened and where we went from here. I had asked Mia to be one of my personal assistants. And for some reason she was so happy that she cried as she thanked and hugged me. I didn't understand it but I did tell her she was welcome.

"Mia, do we have a head count of the dead?"

"Yes, your majesty."

As much as I hated it, I knew that I must be addressed like that in formal settings. So when she did so I said nothing. But I could see the smirk on my families faces when she did it, even Dimitri smirked at me.

"It is not funny." When I sent him that message he just smiled at me. But I could read his mind and he thought it was funny.

"There were no deaths or injuries among the moroi thanks to your early warning your majesty. We however and unfortunately lost twelve guardians."

"Who cares! They are dhampirs that is what they are bred for!" Said a voice, that unfortunately was all too familiar to me.

"Who said that?" I asked even though I already knew.

"I did." And there the smug little bastard stood.

"So, you think that the lives of twelve dhampir are acceptable loses?"

"Better them than me." He sneered.

"How many guardians do you have Jesse?"

"Three, Rose." His smug face made me sick.

"You address me like that again, and you will be put into a cell!!! Do you understand me?!"

I could see that he wanted to say a lot more, but when Dimitri walked up beside me and smirked he bit his tongue.

"Yes, your majesty. I apologies."

I knew that Dimitri hated Jesse, because of what happened in the lounge. And because of the lies he and Ralf had spread around St. Vladimir's about me. So I knew without the bond the things he wanted to do to Jesse. And none of them were nice or healthy for Jesse and Ralf.

"Now, since you think that the loss of dhampir lives are so acceptable, you are here by stripped of your guardians. Let us see how you like being more vulnerable due to the lowering of guardian numbers. I know several people who will be glad to receive the guardians that you just threw away."

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