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Soulmates are Stupid: chapter 19

Dan felt like a mother and a wife when he was waiting for Felix to finish cleaning. Dan felt like procrastinating his homework so what better thing than watching his roommate clean?

"Dan are you gonna keep watching me, or are you actually going to do something?" Felix asked.

"Oh sorry," Dan replied.

He decided on sitting on his bed. Laying on his stomach, Dan pulled his phone off the charger and unlocked it before Felix took it from his hands.

"Um what are you doing?" Dan asked.

"You gotta start your homework or something like that."

Dan scoffed. "Have you even met me?"

"Sadly, yes. Go out with Phil or something."

"Sure, I guess."

Hey, Phil, do you have anything to do today?

Actually I'm retaking an exam.

Oh, sorry I bothered you.

No it's alright. I'll always have time for you.


"Actually, Felix, he has something to do today."

"Ask Chris, PJ or one of your other friends."

"I would call them. But my data is kinda out, and my phone is sort of dead. So I guess I'll see them around campus."


Dan smiled. He was grabbed his keys, jacket and phone and made his way to find his best friends.


Dan actually found them in the same coffee shop that Dan and Phil went to for their first date. They were with new people: Joey, who was in his yoga class, and his boyfriend (Mister) Daniel.

"Heya!" Joey exclaimed when Dan said hello.

"Hi," Daniel said with a smile.

They were quite cute together. Joeys features, caramel hair, pale skin and soft green eyes, matched with Daniel's European features with dark hair and eyes with tanned flesh that made Dan imagine him tanning.

Stop it, Dan, Dan scolded himself.

Stop what?

Sorry, Dan replied to Phil, just a note to myself. How's your makeup test?

I don't actually know; haven't taken it yet.

Oh sorry for interrupting.

You're fine.

Dan sighed.

"You alright, Dan?" Joey asked.

Dan nodded in response. "Just...a long day."

"Yeah. It has been a long day," Daniel responded.

"Do you want to join us?" Joey offered.

Dan looked at Daniel to see his reaction--if it was sour or just as happy as his boyfriend's. Daniel's face was just as offering as Joey's.

"Sure, I guess," Dan replied with a shrug.

He sat in the chair opposite the couple.

Joey took a sip of tea and put the paper cup down. "So, Dan, what are you even doing right now?"

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