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Soulmates are Stupid: chapter 16

It was Monday. That meant it was Phil's birthday. Phil was 23.

Dan woke up to the sun shining through the windows.

Normally, he would scowl and turn onto his stomach letting sleep take him over for a couple more minutes before his class started. But today was different. He jumped up and put on his normally depressing clothing.

"Is today the day?" Felix mumbled.

"Yeah," Dan replied, his voice slightly louder than the annoying heating system.

"Can you tell your boyfriend that I said 'happy birthday'?" Felix asked, shifting in his bed.


Even though Dan couldn't see it, but he was sure Felix was smiling.


Dan went to the dining hall when he finished his shower and packed up Phil's gift.

It was against Dan's attire, the present. Dan wore black, white and grey, but the present was wrapped up in all types of colours--blues, reds, greens, yellows etc. There was one of those ribbon bows hanging on one of the paper handles. Being an annoying little shiz, Dan put those annoying zig-zag paper strips in the bag.

He sat in his usual spot next to Chris and PJ and had the bag hidden behind his black backpack.

"Hello," Chris said to both Peej and Dan.

"Hello, Christopher," PJ responded to his soulmate.

Happy birthday, Phil! Dan mind-said while PJ and Chris were doing some tender-eye-kissing.

Dan put on a smile, accidentally kicking PJ's (see what I did there) foot with his own.

"Hey!" PJ jumped.

"Sorry!" Dan replied. "It was an accident!"

Chris started to giggle.

Thank you, Daniel!

Dan rolled his eyes. It was brought to his attention, a couple days ago, that Dan's eyes weren't just brown. They were a chocolate brown. Milk chocolate melted with a tad of dark and white chocolate. Or just imagine Dan's hair but with more emotion. And less hair gel.

"Phil's birthday is today so sorry if I ignore you," Dan said, truth coating his wording.

"Ooo! Your boyfriend's birthday is today! Are you gonna give him some looovve?" Chris asked, dragging out the 'o' and 'v' in love.

Dan shrugged. He thought of a lie that made him smirk and almost snicker. "Yeah. Only if there are condoms."

PJ started wheezing. "That lie is perfect! I mean, come on, Dan! We all know that you're still a virgin!"

Dan felt the blush run to his cheeks. "How did you find out?!" he hissed.

"Find out what?" someone asked, sitting in the chair next to Dan's backpack and Phil's present.

Dan turned to that person, finding it to be Phil.

"Happy birthday!" Chris exclaimed, throwing bits of the shredded paper napkin into the air. Dan watched as each individual piece came down slowly.

"Dan's still a virgin!" PJ blurted like he was a child tattling on his/her sibling.

"Really?" Phil blinked, looking at Dan.

The younger boy felt the blush coming back onto his cheeks. "This is bullying."

"Oh, quit complaining," Chris commented.

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