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Soulmates are Stupid: chapter 15

When Dan got back into his dorm, he collapses on the floor. It was too much, the thoughts in his mind. They kept asking him to run after Phil and kiss him. But, to Dan, the first kiss is after the first date.

Instead, he decided to open Soulmates are Stupid and read the last couple chapters he had remaining.

A quote stuck to Dan.

"You know why I think soulmates are stupid?" the book read, "well, I believe that it's the fact that your soulmate is supposed to be your best friend. What happens if your soulmate dies? Well, you have no one because your soulmate was your main priority."

Dan felt that quote punch his vital organs in the lower part of his torso. So his stomach.

So maybe soulmates are stupid. But that doesn't make them less important.


Dan awoke to Felix's alarm on Saturday. But Felix didn't turn if off until Dan was wide awake. Felix had mentioned to Dan that he wanted the younger boy to wake up earlier. Dan just never believed that Felix actually would.

"Can you at least choose an alarm that isn't annoying?" Dan asked. "Like I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance?"

Felix turned toward the annoyed Dan (who was in his bed). "Nah. 'Cause then you'll hate that song, and we'll be here again."

Dan sighed in defeat. "True."

The tanned boy got up from his cocoon of warmth and stumbled his way to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

He brought his clothes with him as well as his shampoo, conditioner and shower gel.

He twisted the faucet and put his hand under the stream. The water made goosebumps rise up his arm. Once the water was at a perfect temperature, he stripped and jumped into the shower.

He massaged the shampoo into his scalp and rinsed when he was done.

At this point of the year, finally, Dan didn't get bubbles into his eyes.

He quickly finished his shower and put his clothes on after drying himself with a towel.

Dan walked back to his dorm room, Felix nowhere to be found. Dan sighed, he knew Felix would do this. That came out wrong. Felix always leaves early in the morning to do something Dan doesn't know of.

Dan sighed, going over to the mirror and getting out from the drawer his blow-dryer, hair brush and straightener. His hair spray was in his toiletries bag so Felix wouldn't think it's his.

He blow-dried each strand of his damp Hobbit hair, the curls falling into his eyes. He did the same with his straightener except for each piece of the hot, straight hair lied perfectly on his forehead. That day was the day of going to Cat and Carrie's to find stuff for Phil's birthday that Monday.

He wrote a note to Felix about his whereabouts, and he grabbed his jacket, phone, wallet and keys, and he was off.

The temperature for this day in January was quite warm. Students were running around campus in T-shirts and jeans or leggings. Some were valiant enough to wear shorts.

Dan walked on the pavement heading to the West Dormitories.

Thank God, Dan thought as he saw Cat and Carrie on a bench doing some homework assignments.

Cat looked up at him. "Hey, Dan!"

Dan smiled. "Hey, Cat!"

He walked over to the girls on the lawn.

"What does Phil like?" he asked.

The two girls looked quite confused.

"His birthday is coming up," Dan clarified.

"Oh," said Carrie.

Cat stayed silent, her eyes glistened.

"He likes a bunch of Nintendo games and horror books," Cat added.

"Thanks!" Dan said.

"And anime," Carrie interjected.

"Thank you, both!" Dan said, running off.


Phil walked out of the building. Cat and Carrie were on a bench. It was quite warm at the moment so he guesses that they wanted to get some fresh air.

Phil approached the girls, who were laughing and talking like they always did.

"Hey, guys!" Phil said, waving to them.

"Hey, Phil!" Carrie giggled.

"Do you want to go see a movie with us?" Cat asked.

"Sure," Phil replied. "What film are we seeing?"

"Haven't checked them out yet."

"Okay then. Let's go."

The walk was brisk. The cold was starting to come as the moon rose.

Phil was stupid and only wore a sweatshirt, while the girls wore trench coats with faux fur.

"Oh, Philly," Cat cooed.

Phil laughed, his teeth chattering. "I didn't realize that it was" a gust of wind came, making Phil's eyes feel like icing over.--"g-going to be this cold!"

"Neither did we," Carrie said, pulling some of her wild blonde curls from her face.

"How?" Phil asked, checking his phone to see how long it was until they got to the theatre.

Cat linked her arms with both Carrie's and Phil's. "Come on, or we're going to be late!"



Dan put Phil's gift on his desk.

"Got a gift for your boyfriend, aye Danny?" Felix asked.

Dan jumped up. "Oh my God!"

Felix chuckled. "Sorry for scaring you."

"You're not sorry, Felix."

The older boy shrugged. "True. So about the present for your boyfriend."

Dan scowled. "He's not my boyfriend."

Felix rolled his eyes. "But he is your soulmate."

"We've been on one date."

"Yeah. There might be more in the future."

"Well, probably."

"You can surely count on more."

Dan turned around from Felix. "Sure."

A/N thanks for all the support on WILD! And I've decided that there will be some smut in this book! Idk when but yes, there will be some. Yeah, I'm the worst at writing smut so I'm reading some Phan Smut Books.

And I read the Milk Fic yesterday in History class and I never wanna speak about it ever again.  I'm physically scarred. Never gonna un-read that

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