I shrugged it off. "Okay. Then come on let's go see Tom to get you settled in." She nodded. I led her to the office. Tom let me know that he would handle it, and I left them there and continued working. Tom would send her my way when they were finish, so that I can start training her.

She came out of Tom's office after a few minutes and I taught her everything she needed to know about the job. She was a very fast learner and was doing everything on her own after a few short hours. When lunch time came around, he came in, just like clockwork. I looked over at Meredith, she smiled and nodded at me. I sighed in relief thinking that she would go take care of him. She obviously had other plans in mind. She came over to me, grabbed my hand and dragged me along with her to his table.

"Hello, welcome to Burgers and Fries. My name is Meredith, and I'll be your waitress today," she said with a big smile.

Vincent looked up shocked to see Meredith. "What are you doing here?"

"Working," she replied nonchalantly.

"You two know each other?" I asked. Vincent nodded in response, Meredith only smiled. "Oh good. Then tell your boyfriend to stop asking me out," I told Meredith.

This caused Meredith to laugh hysterically. When she finally caught her breath, she said, "That's my brother!" I looked at Vincent who just looked horrified. I looked back at Meredith who had seen him, and we both started laughing again.

"Then tell that to your brother," I said laughing as I walked away. She stayed there and spoke to him for a few minutes. I continued to work for a while before Meredith dragged me back to his table again. This time she made me sit down in front of him.

"He has something to ask you," she said, determination evident in her eyes.

"If it's what he has been asking me for the past few weeks, he already has his answer."

Meredith giggled. "I tried," she told him and she turned and left me there.

I got up to leave when I heard a whisper, "Why not?" I looked back at him. The look he was giving me devastated me. He looked miserable. Tears were threatening to escape my eyes.

"Because," I whispered back, "I have way too much baggage for you, or anyone for that matter."

"You never know until you try."

"I'm sorry. But I'm not willing to try." Those words seem to hurt him as I saw pain come across his face.

"I'll wait as long as I have to," he said. He got up and left the diner. I stayed in the seat, shocked by his words. Why would he wait at all? I was no one to him. I quickly pulled myself together and got back to work. While I worked, I spent most of my time thinking about Vincent and his words.

When I looked at the clock later on, I noticed that it was time to go get Don from school, I was late actually. "Hey Meredith! I'll be back in a little bit," I told her.

"Where are you going?"

"I'll tell you when I get back," I responded. "Paul!" I called.

"Yeah?" he said popping his head out of the kitchen.

"Keys! I'm late!" He laughed and took out his keys from his pocket and threw them at me. He seemed to have aimed at my face, but I dodged it and still managed to catch them.

"Nice catch," Paul said a little astonished.

"Thanks," I said as I ran out the door. I got in the car and went as fast as the speed limit would let me to the school. When I got to the school, I went directly to the main office, where they held the children that were not picked up.

"Mommy!" I heard once I opened the door.

"Hey baby! Sorry I'm late."

"It's okay, I got cookies," he said grinning at me.

I laughed. "Thanks," I told the women in the office. "Come one Don, let's go to work." He came up to me and grabbed my hand as we made our way out of the building and to the car.

"Let's go see Uncle Tommy! I have to help him move stuff today." Every day that I work, Don goes to the diner and helps Tom clean. Apparently, Tom was very messy in there, or so I've heard. On the days I have off and we don't go in, the office ends up looking like a tornado struck once we returned.

When we got back, Don ran right to the office, giving Paul a high five as he went by. I followed him, giving Paul his keys. "How'd it get so messy again Uncle Tommy?" Don exclaimed when we entered the office.

"Uh, I don't know buddy," Tom responded giving him a sheepish smile.

"More work for me," Don mumbled causing us to laugh.

I heard someone clear their throat at the door. I turned and saw Meredith staring at us. "Who's that?" Don asked.

"That's our new employee, Meredith," Tom said.

He got up and walked up to her. "Hi, I'm Don. Nice to meet you." He extended his hand, waiting for hers. She placed her hand in his and they shook them.

"Nice grip," she said.

"Thanks, Uncle Tommy taught me," he said grinning at her.

"Okay. Come on Uncle Tommy. How'd you get so many papers everywhere?"

I laughed as I grabbed Meredith on my way out. I took her out back, I knew she was going to ask questions.

"Who is that?" she asked once we were outside.

"Donovan. My son."

"You have a son?" she asked, still shocked.


"How old is he?"


"Who's his father?"

"Sorry, but I can't say. There are things in my past that I don't talk about."


"Listen," I said, "You say we are going to be great friends, right?"

"Yea of course," she said, a smile replacing her once shocked look.

"Then can you do me a favor?"

"Anything," she said nodding.

"Please don't tell anyone."

She hesitated, "Okay."

"Please. All I can say is that there are people that I don't want to be found by. So please, can you keep it a secret? It would really help me out."

"Yes," she said, no hesitation this time.

"Thank you," I said smiling at her as I linked our arms and went back inside to go back to work.

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