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Brads POV:

Me and Olivia are in the taxi on our way into town to meet my boys, I was so excited to see them and introduce Liv to them, I know they'll her.

"Just as a pre warning, my friends are pretty" I stop trying to think of the right word. "Crazy"

She smiles and places her hand ontop of mine. "No ones crazier then me" she winks giggling like a school girl, I bite down on my lower lip at how hot she is without even trying.

"That's it just outside here mate" I said pointing towards a pub in the centre of town that we were suppose to be meeting my mates in. I pay the taxi and jump out opening the door for Olivia.

"Thank you" she blushes as I hold onto her hand, I love making her nervous and blush, proves I have an effect on her and she can't control it.

We walk in to a nearly packed pub that was playing Arctic Monkeys Teddy Picker, I wrapped my arm around Olivia's waist as she slightly swayed to the song.

"What'd you want to drink?" I asked her catching her attention as her eyes scanned the room and swiftly landed on mine.

"Double vodka and coke, I'm just gonna go to the bathroom quick" she said pointing over to the toilets.

"Okay I'll be right here" I nodded over to the bar before ordering our drinks. Suddenly I felt two large hands grab my shoulders.


I turned around to see all my mates looking pissed already. I laugh at them as they attempt to lift me up and start chanting my songs at the top of their lungs.

"Ahh I've missed you lads !" I said as they put me back down.

"Come on we've got a booth over there" My best mate Jack points over to the back.

"Wait!" I stop them. "I'm waiting for someone" I say quickly glancing over to the toilets not wanting to loose Olivia.

"Alright what bird is it this time?" Mike laughs, for some reason the boys think I'm this massive player on tour.

"Shes just some girl I've been seeing" I shrug drinking from my beer bottle, trying to make a big deal out of it otherwise knowing the boys they'd grill me and say I was whipped.

Maybe I was.

"What like officially?" Alex asks.

I nod causally.

"Well where is she then Bradders?" Jack asked putting his arm around my shoulder. "Please tell me she is real" he laughs.

"Yeah funny dickhead" I said playfully pushing him off. "She's gone to the toilet"

"Yeah to climb out the back window" Mike erupts into fits of laughter, I just roll my eyes.

"Woah! Guys check out the fitty at 12:00" Alex said catching everyone's attention apart from mine I'm too busy buying another drink to notice, plus a lot of the time girls Alex says are fit really aren't.

"Damn what's she doing in Sutton? Haven't seen her around here before" jack said.

"Oi Alex! Work ya magic on her" mike said teasing him.

"Alright fine" Alex said adjusting his hair.


"There you are!" Olivia stands next to me placing a kiss on my cheek. "I've been looking everywhere" she smiles and turns to face the boys as they stand there confused and shocked.

"Guys this is Olivia, Olivia's these are my boys"

"Hi boys" she smiled at them.

"Hold up! Your seeing each other?" Alex said.

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