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Olivia's POV:

"I don't see why your laughing Liv! My mum has been cutting my hair since I was little and she's always gave me that sick trim!" He winked over at me. "Ain't that right mum!" He said as Anne nodded with a smirk plastered on her face.

"I'm sure it'll look lovely, but I did love your long hair"

"Naa fancied a change" Brad said as he watched me rub some healing cream on my tattoo.

"How's the tatt coming along?" Brad asked.

"Yeah, just annoying how flakey it is, want it to heal already" I roll my eyes.

"Oh my goodness! I didn't know you had a tattoo Olivia!" Anne said staring down at my leg.

"Yeah, I got when we were out in LA"

"Ahh! It's a pair of hand tied up with.."

"Roses" I answer for her.

"Oh yeah! It's beautiful, what's the meaning behind it?" She asks going back to Brads hair.

My eyes flick to Brad as he watches me in the mirror.

Suddenly the house phone rang.

"Let me quickly get that, one second love" Anne said rushing out the kitchen.

"Brad darling!" She shouted before walking back into the kitchen. "It's joe" my head instantly snapped up to Brads as his eyes widened.

"Ello Joe mate what's up?"

"Yeah yeah I'm good you?"

"Yeah he's there now, call the main office and he'll be able to hook you up"

"Naa haven't spoke to her" Brads eyes darted up to mine.

"Okay see ya Joe"

"What did he say?" I panicked

"Nothing just asked if I'd spoke to you, he didn't sound like he knew anything so we should be alright" Brad said.

"Ahem.. care to explain what's going on" Anne said with her arms folded.

"Ok mum but you gotta promise not to get angry or tell Joe" Brad said, I instantly developed a lump in my throat. "Me and Liv have been sorta seeing each other without Joe knowing"

I know this isn't the time but my heart swell a little hearing brad explain our relationship In a normal way other then sleeping together or just friends.

"Bradley William Simpson, did you not think about the trouble you could get into or the trouble you could get Olivia into! Oh no of course you didn't you just think with that!" She shouted pointing down to Brads penis.

"Please Anne don't blame brad, this whole situation is both of our problems and we know it's dangerous going behind Joes back but I can't seem to stay away from your son Mrs. Simpson" I said trying my best not to cry but I couldn't believe the argument I had caused between brad and he's mother.

"Olivia's darling could you give me and brad a second alone please" she smiled sweetly, I nodded and sat out in the garden having a cigarette.

I looked down at my tattoo and realised I haven't took a picture of it yet, I've been hiding it for so long now, I don't wanna hide.

I took a picture of it with the smoke of my cigarette in the background and posted it to Instagram.

I expected a call from Joe screaming my ear off but I didn't expect it that soon.

"Hiya bro" I said answering the phone to Joe.

"Liv what is that on your leg?" He let out a sigh. "What are you playing out?"

"It's a tattoo Joe okay, calm down millions of people in the world have one, chill"

"Just.. think before you ink!" He laughed, well I didn't expect him to take it this easily.

"I will Bro, thanks for the concern"

"Always" he laughed. "Tell mum I said hey"

Shit I forgot I told him I was staying at home.

"Will do, see you in a thew weeks" I said before quickly hanging up before he could question me further. As I put my phone down on the garden table brad stepped outside with freshly cut hair, he looked so good I couldn't stop staring.

"You like" he said pretending to flip his hair over his shoulder before dramatically sitting down next to me.

"Wow Anne done a badass job!" I said tussling his hair.

"And she said she'll keep our secret for us" he placed his hand on top of mine and winked.

"Speaking of secrets, Joe phoned me and he now knows about my tattoo" I breathed out, still shocked by how easy Joe took it, maybe he wouldn't be that bothered about me and Brad?

"Jesus.. what did he say?"

"He said.. think before you ink" I paused. "And then he laughed"

Brad was just as bewildered as I was.

"Didn't expect you to say that" Brad said. "I thought you was gonna say how you just had an argument with him"

"Yeah I don't know maybe Joe easing up abit with me and maybe he wouldn't be too mad if we told-"

"We can't tell him Olivia" Brad said without letting me finish. "He wouldn't be mad at you he'll be mad at me, I can't have a relationship like that with my manager"

I smiled at him understanding what he was saying and realising how crazy it would be to tell Joe.

"Yeah, your right, ignore me" I put my other hand onto of his.

"Come on let's go get ready"

/ /

Tonight me and Brad were going into to town to meet some of his old friends and have a drink, to say I was excited was an understatement I haven't had a night out in so long.

I went with a simple beige, suede lace up skirt with a dark navy cropped jumper and black suede boots.

it didn't take me longer then an hour and half to get ready leaving me sitting there waiting for Brad

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it didn't take me longer then an hour and half to get ready leaving me sitting there waiting for Brad. Eventually he came in a very simple yet cute outfit.

"Why does it take you so long to get ready when you legit just wear jeans and a jumper" I said about to ruffle his hair when he catches my arm and stops me.

"No touching the hair missy!" He said sternly with a slight mischievous smirk playing on his lips, clearly enjoying the power.

"Oh Olivia darling your purse is in the bathroom upstairs!" Anne informs me before I run upstairs and grab it. As I pick up my purse a the picture of Brad and his ex Libby falls out, I pick it up and think back to what Anne said.

What's Brad keeping from me?

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