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Olivia's POV;

Another night I couldn't sleep.

Tossing and turning in this big bed, it was way too big for just me.

I contemplated messaging Brad but we haven't spoken since the beach and things were so awkward between us at the recording studio, I feel like I've lost my best friend.

"Olivia?" I heard Joe whisper from my door.

"Joe?" I mumbled sitting up.

"Sorry did I wake you?" He said walking in and sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Naa I couldn't really sleep anyway" I shrugged. "So what's up?"

"I just wanted to talk about that song you wrote"

"What about it?" I tried to act calm, but deep down I was scared that he knew about me and Brad hooking up, I didn't want Brad to get in trouble, that was the last thing I wanted to happen.

"I just never knew you were writing again let alone singing" he paused and just as i thought he was about to say I wasn't strong enough or that I'm rushing things, he place his hand on top of mine. "Dad would be so proud, to see you singing and playing again Livvy"

"Thanks Joe and I'm sorry for annoying you all these years, I nearly ruined your career and love life because I constantly needed someone there to drag me away from my bad choices, I'm so sorry" I said letting my head fall in my hands.

"Is that why your so close with Brad?" He asked, I slowly lifted my head up and digested what he said.

"I guess" I paused. "I thought I'd lost you and that you wouldn't be there for me anymore so I latched onto Brad to hope he would" the words coming out mouth were horrible but true, so very true.

"Olivia I will always be here for you, I will stay up all night, searching down every street, every town, every city, every country I won't rest till I know your safe and happy inside" he pulled me into a hug and I've never felt so safe.



"Please tell me nothing's going on between you and Brad" my heart stopped and I slowly pulled out of the hug, plastering on my best fake smile.

"Nothing is going on between me and Brad"



I didn't sleep all night once Joe had left my room I was left with a guilt filed heart.

I had to talk to Brad!

I quickly got up and showered letting the water wash over me as thoughts of what I had to tell Brad flashed into my head.

I was dreading this conversation.

I did my make up subtlety and tied my hair up in a height pony tail, sticking on a simple white and denim tie dye shorts with a warm brown bodysuit .

I did my make up subtlety and tied my hair up in a height pony tail, sticking on a simple white and denim tie dye shorts with a warm brown bodysuit

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