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Olivia's POV:

I wake up to the sound of my phone vibrating under my pillow, I slip my hand under there and answer the call all while my eyes are still glued shut.

"Hello" I mumble down the phone.

"Livs? It's Joe are you alright you don't sound too good?" He asks down the phone.

"I'm fine just really tired"

"Alright well today's your day off so do with it as you will just make sure your sharp and awake for tomorrow and also have you seen Brad? I've been calling him but he's phones off?"

"Na haven't seen him Joe.. can i go back to bed now?" I moan.

"Yes.. see you tomorrow" he said, I hang up and flop back down on the bed. I wiggle my bum abit to try and get comfortable again when I feel something next to me with my bum, I keep moving it on the thing so I can find out what it is.

"Con mate stop wiping your arse on me!" Brad mumbles, I instantly sit up and look down to see Brad and I are completely naked.

"B-Brad" I quietly said but he didn't wake up, so I shook him till he groaned and slowly sat up.

"Wha- holy fuck!" He's eyes widen as he wakes up and discovered we're in bed together.

"Did we?!" He asks.

"What'd you think?" I laugh slightly at the predicament and lay back down.

"N-no-no-no this can't be happening, he jumps up and starts putting his clothes back on.

"What's that matter?" I turn over in bed to see him standing in his boxers.

"I cannot sleep with my mangers little sister!" He grips onto his hair.

"I am a person Brad I'm not just Joe O'Neills little sister!" I wrap the duvet around my body and leave the bedroom and walk into the kitchen, slightly annoyed by brads reaction.

"I didn't mean it like that Olivia.. it's just this could get me in a lot of trouble.. joe could kick me out the band if he wanted to!" I hear him speak from behind me but I don't turn around I continue making tea.

"And what makes you think I'm about to tell my brother I just had sex? There is such thing as a personal life! And plus don't make it sound as if it was all me. It takes two to tango Bradley!" I turn around and put my hands on my hips.

"Your not going to tell joe?" He questions again.

"No of course I'm not!" He sighs out of relief.

"Thank you and I'm sorry I know it was my fault last night I was the one who kissed you first" he lies.

"Like I said it takes two to tango" I smiled awkwardly at him. "And plus we were both so wasted"

"So friends?" Brad said putting his hand out.

"Don't say that!" I start laughing. "Remember what happened last time we said that!" I cover my mouth as I laugh.

"Oh yeah.. you totally leaped on me!" He laughs with a smirk.

"Oh you wish curly!" I said handing him a cup of tea as we both sat down on the sofa.

"So we should just call it a drunken mistake and carry on as friends?" He said breaking the non awkward silence.

"Sure" I agreed.

"At least tell me I was any good!"

"I can't really remember but I'm pretty sure I didn't orgasm" I said with a sarcastic thinking face.

"Oh yes you did! I remember you face it was like" he said and started making ugly faces while jumping up and down on the sofa.

"Hey!" I said chucking a pillow at him.

He's chuckles slowly come to an end. "Na but it was pretty good.. man this is like the dream begin able to sleep with a girl and just do this after none of that awkward shit! Just a cup of tea and a laugh" he sits back into the sofa while drinking his tea.

"A fuck buddie" I point out for him.

"See that name its too dirty why can't they just be could friends?"

"Because friends don't kiss people like we did and friends don't sleep in each other's bed" ( listen to Ed Sheeran Friends! Sick song and relates to this story so much!)

"Why can't they? Where does it say that friends can't do shit like this and just still remain friends.. not fuck buddies.. just friends" he keep repeating.

"I have a lot of friends Brad.." I raise my eyebrows at him.

"No you have a lot of fuckboys that hurt you" Brad was right but I'd never admit it out loud. "I wouldn't hurt you.. we'd still be besties!"

"What are you suggesting Brad?"

"I think you know what I'm suggesting Liv" we hold an intense stare for what feels like a million years but only a short thew seconds.

"Just think about it" he shrugs. Brad just asked me to be his fuck buddie? I don't know weather to laugh or cry.

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