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Olivia's POV:

20 minuets later and my train pulls into Covent Gardens, I quickly pull my suitcase along past everyone making my way through the busy streets acting like I know where I'm going when really I don't have a clue, I'm too taken by all the beauty that is London. I stop off at a Starbucks and pick up a Chocolate Latte to keep me going, eventually I give up and flop down on a bench next to a younger looking girl, I huff a little loudly making her look at me.

"O M G no way your Olivia O'Neill!!" She starts to freak out.. I'm taken back by the fact this stranger knows my name.

"Erm sorry?"

"Joe O'Neills sister.. Ya know manager to The Vamps!!" Ohh she must be one of those mega fans.

"How did you know I was Joes sister?"

"The fandom know everything" she laughs.

"Well do they know where Prestige Management office is?" I joke around and she gets up and starts to direct me.

"Wow thanks! You've been really helpful"

"No problem any chance for a selfie?" She asks sweetly.

"Yeah sure" I get ready for the photo and smile.

"Thanks again" I said waving her goodbye as I follow her directions.

Soon enough I am outside a massive white building with the words Prestige written above it. I make my way into the building and see a young red haired lady with space buns sitting at a desk typing away completely not acknowledging my existence.

"Erm hello?" I said making her snap out of her trance.

"Oh hi! Sorry was away with the fairys she laughs, I notice she had a smiley piercing which complimented her smile.

"It's cool.. I'm Olivia O'Neill I'm-" she stands up and walks out from the desk. "Oh Joes sister! Please come with me, it's so nice to meet you!" She suddenly becomes overly polite and starts ushering me down the corridor.

"Sorry but where am I going? Where's Joe?" I ask.

"I'm taking you to Joe now, he told me he'd drive you to his apartment but first he wants you to meet everyone" she said before stopping Infront of a big brown wooden door that said Mr O'Neill on it.

"It was nice meeting you" she smiled before walking back to her desk. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door three times.

"Come in!" I heard Joe shout from the other side of the door, I slowly creaked open the door to see I had walked in on a meeting.

"Shit sorry Bro" I said backing out the room.

"Na it's cool.. Guys this is my little baby sister Olivia" he said as I walked in and waved at everyone.  They all smiled politely which made things seem a little less stress.

"This is Levi, Drew, Nate and Austin" he said pointing to each of them i recognised them from when me and Zara where researching about them.

"Nice to meet you Liv" Levi stood straight up and shook my hand, which caught my eye I like confidence.

"Nice to meet you too Levi" he smiled at him letting him know I was interested.

"Yeah anyway..." Joe said dragging me away from Levi. "I didn't think you'd be here so early so I can't drive you to the apartment.. I'll call you a cab now" he said rushing out the room leaving me with four hot American boys in a band.. Big mistake.

"So what were you guys talking about before I came in" I said sitting on a table.

"We've got a headline tour coming up soon and we're just preparing for it" Austin spoke up.

"Yeah it's our first ever headline tour around Europe!" Drew said.

"That's really cool" I tried to act like I was paying attention but I couldn't take my eyes off Levi who seemed to not be able to take his eyes off me as he bite down on his lip. "So I guess if yous are off touring you won't be around here for too long" I said to them but aimed it at Levi.

"Na we've got a good a thew weeks before we have to leave" Levi smiled at me before I could say anything Joe bursted Into the room telling me my can was here. I said goodbye to the boys and got into the cab heading towards Joes.. I couldn't wait to get back and tell Zara everything!  

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