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Olivia's POV:

"You know this doesn't count as 'the walk her to the door kiss' because your room is literally there!" I said pointing across from my room.

"We just had sex! You think I'd be freaking out over the goodbye kiss!" He scoffed unconvincingly as I raised my eyebrow at him. "Okay fine! But I just want to end your first date the right way" he shrugged.

"Who said it has to end?" I said opening my door wide for him to enter.

"Round two?!" He gasped.

"No" I shook my head. "I was thinking more.. a movie" I said holding up the tv remote. "And some wine?" I said holding up a bottle of wine from the mini fridge.

"That actually sounds really nice" he smiled whilst kicking off his shoes and sitting up on the bed with me.

"What'd you fancy watching?" I said sitting cross legged facing the TV with the bottle of wine in between my legs.

"Dunno" he shrugged. "What's your favourite movie?"

"You know I've noticed you've been sneakily dropping questions to get me to open up more today.. haven't you?"

"Damn my evil plan for you to trust me has be foiled!" He said with a creepy, villain voice.

"Trust you?" I asked quizzicality.

"Oh come on Liv, I know you don't trust me, I know you still think I'm gonna leave and never come back when I honestly haven't done anything to ever give you that impression!"

I didn't say anything just watched as Brad bowed his head and sighed from exhaustion. Maybe my walls were getting a little too heavy to keep carry around?

"Love Actually" I mumbled.

"What?" He said lifting his head up.

"That's my favourite film"

"I thought you didn't like cliches?"

"I don't like them in real life because they always end up fake, but I don't know in movies they just seem real, especially in love actually it's like everyone who was together in the movie, was like meant to be together, like written in the stars and shit"

"Wow I never thought I'd hear you talk like that!" He laughed making me hit him with a pillow.

"Don't get too use to it!" I said putting Love Actually on. I lean back with Brad on the head board and open the bottle of wine, taking a gulp before passing it to him without taking my eyes off the TV, till I hear him chuckle.

"What?" I asked snapping my head towards him.

"I like the way you never get a glass" he said referring to the open bottle of wine in my hand.

I shrugged and turn my attention back to the TV. Suddenly brads phone started to ring causing my attention to turn to him.

"Sorry gotta take this" he said before walking out on to the balcony, I turned the volume of the TV down slightly so I could listen to who it was.

"Hi mother"

"Yeah I'm fine, missing you guys though"

It was nice to see how close Brad was to his family, it was something I envied.

"Anyway I've gotta go mum, I'll message ya in the morning, love you bye"

I quickly turned my attention back to the TV as he walked into the room with a small smile.

"Who was that?" I asked casually.

"My mum" he smiled locking his phone.

"So are you like a proper mummy's boy?"

"Yes, if my mum didn't like one of my friends or a girl I brought home I actually don't think I could see that person again"

"Well it's a good thing we're not dating" I laughed.

"Why?" He asked.

"Cause your mum would hate me" I laugh again even louder, but Brad doesn't find this funny in fact he's confused. "Oh come on Brad I'm not exactly the type of girl you take home to mummy, I'm more of the type of girl you bang once a week and go for a drink with" I laughed but stopped when I saw Brad had placed his hand on my exposing thigh and squeezed it.

"Is that what you like being?" He asked.

"It's what I am?" I shrugged. "It's what we are"

"No your my best friend and I'd love to introduce you to my mum"

"I'm not your girlfriend Brad"

"No I'll introduce you as what you are, my best friend"

I didn't wanna smile, but I did, I smiled so big and so hard that it made Brad smile, he always know how to make me feel better about myself.

"Do you like tattoos?" I said changing the subject before it got too deep.

"Yeah sure" he shrugged.

"I want a tattoo" I said staring at Brads hand that still rested on my thigh.

"What would you get?" He asked. I lifted my legs up and put them over brads lap so I was now facing, his hands still remained on my thighs, gently rubbing them.

"I don't know, something cool and hot"

"I don't think Joe would like that"

"I'm 18, soon to be 19, I'm not a little girl anymore Bradley I can do whatever I like and tomorrow I'm going to get a fucking tattoo!" I said putting my hands behind my head, smiling smugly.

"Woah chill, tattoos aren't something you just jump into you've gotta think that's on you forever Liv, your body is beautiful and yes a tattoo would look hot but just think about it?" Brad was trying to look out for me I get that, but I haven't done something courageous and daring in a while, apart from sex in a recording booth of course.

"Life's about Risks right? Us being here like this is a risk, what we did in the recording booth was a risk, I don't know if you haven't noticed yet Brad but I like taking risks" I said putting a cigarette between my lips whilst hunting for a lighter.

"No" he said taking it out my mouth. "I think you like people to think you like taking risk when in reality it scares you to death but you'd rather be scared on the inside and look tough then to let people know your scared" he said putting the cigarette in his mouth and lighting it with my lighter.

"How do you do that?"

"Oh it's easy you just breathe in till you fill up your lungs-"

"No" I laughed at his idiotic self. "How do you analyse me so easy, people have always said I'm like a locked book"

"Well maybe they just didn't look hard enough for the key" he said handing me the cigarette back. "Anyway I better head to bed, we've got an interview tomorrow way too fucking early" he moaned standing up from the bed.

"Well thank you for my first date" he smiled as we stood at the door.

"How was it?"

"It was perfect" I smiled, my eyes flicked up to brads and then back down to his lips I watched as he darted his tongue across them and slowly moved closer to me.

"Not perfect yet" he mumbled before wrapping his hand behind my neck and the other on my waist, pulling me into the kiss. Slow and passionate but filled with fire, it was the perfect kiss.

"Goodnight Livvy" he winked before turning on his heels and going into his room. I watched as he disappeared and rested my head on the door ledge. So many thoughts jumping around in my head so fast I can't process any of them, it's just like shouting or screaming I don't know, I wonder if Brad has the same problem or is it just me am I going mad? What could possibly be making me go mad, lack of freedom with joes new collar around me? no drugs? sex with the same guy? LA air? Brad?

"Goodnight Bradley"

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