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Olivia's POV:

I woke up to an empty bed brad left me a note on his pillow explaining how he wanted to go for an early run, said he had some things he needed to clear in his head.

So I stuck on one of brads jumpers that I saw laying over his desk chair and headed downstairs.

"Good morning Liv love" Anne smiled widely at me reminding me a lot of brads smile.

"Morning Anne, where's Nat?" I asked taking a seat on the kitchen stalls.

"Oh she has gymnastics before school on Thursdays, so I have to drop her off early" she said handing me a cup of tea.

"Thank you" I accepted the mug.

"Where's Bradley, don't tell me he's still in bed"

"Oh no , he went for a early morning run" I shrugged sipping my tea.

"Oh, is he alright?" She asked leaning against the Island in the middle of the kitchen.

"He seemed alright last night" my mind wondered, what if brad was having second thoughts about me and him, what if he doesn't like me as much as I like him.

Anne could see the nervousness on my face so she swiftly changed the subject.

"Let me grab the photo albums" she smiled before jogging up the stairs and bringing down a box filled with photo albums and other treasured items.

"This was Nats first trophy she won at her first gymnastics comp" she said holding out a small golden trophy with Nats name on it.

"And this is a certificate Brad won when he was 12 for best poem"

"He is an amazing writer" he smile thinking about how talented Brad is and how proud I am of him.

Oh gosh what on earth is this feeling?

"This is Brad on his 8th birthday with his Bart Simpson birthday cake"

"Oh my god, he has blonde, straight hair? Where did the brown curls come from?!" I laughed.

"We have no idea!" Anne laughed with me.

"This was brad at his Prom with his prom date Libby" she handed me a photo of Brad with braces in a suit standing behind a girl with brown hair in a blue prom dress.

"Has he told you the story of Libby?" Anne asked looking down at the photo in my hand.

"No?" I asked looking up at her confused.

She opened her mouth to speak but before she could a sweaty, panting Brad walked in taking his earphones out.

"Hey" he breathed out sitting on the arm of the sofa next to me, kissing the top of my head. I quickly flipped the photo in my hand over and put it in the pocket of my jumper before Brad could see.

"Oh gosh mum why have you got them out!" Brad moaned, picking up his baby pictures.

"You was a beautiful baby! Wasn't he Liv!" Anne said nudging my arm.

"Mhmm yeah, really cute" i smiled up at Brad.

"How was your run sweetheart?" Anne asked as she packed away the photos.

"Yeah it was fine bumped into Jack and some of the lads, they actually invited us to the pub later if your up for it" Brad asked me.

"Yeah sure, sounds fun, is it cool if I take a shower?" I asked.

"Of course honey please make yourself at home" Anne said handing me a bath towel.

I leaped upstairs and started running the shower, As I took off the jumper the picture of Brad and his ex fell out onto the floor taking me back to what Anne said.

Has he told you the story of Libby?

I needed to know this god damn story.

After quickly washing my hair and body I stepped back into brads room with a towel wrapped around my hair and body to see Brad laying on his bed rubbing his temples. I slowly walked up to him and laid down beside him staring up at the ceiling.


I said catching his attention as he hands left his temples and rested on his stomach instead as he stared up at the white ceiling as well.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He let out a deep sigh. "Just been thinking about how wrong this is but how right it is at the same time"

"What?" I turned to look at him.

"Us" his eyes met mine.

"Your having second thoughts" I turned to face  the ceiling again.

"No of course I'm not" he leaped on too my body, his legs either of my body that was only hidden my a towel, one hand on my cheek the other supporting his weight on the bed. "But your telling me you don't think about what will happen to us when joe finds out, when the boys find out we've been lying to them all this time-"

I cut brad off from talking by gripping hold of his t shirt and pulling him down to kiss me.

"What was that for" he asked and I slowly released him.

"To shut you up" I smiled making him laugh lightly above me. "And yes, I do think about it every day, but then I think about kissing you and how much it would suck if I couldn't kiss you"

"Shit" he mumbled under his breath, I don't think I was meant to hear it.. but I did.


"What happened to the love hating Olivia I use to know" he tried to joke.

"I guess she foolishly put all her trust in the hands of a giant bear!" I said ruffling his curly locks that seem to be growing by the second.

"What you don't like my hair?" He jumped up and started styling it in the mirror.

"I love your hair, I'm just joking" I said resting my head on his shoulder as I watched him stare at his locks in the mirror.

"Naa I fancy a change, c'mon on" he said dragging me back downstairs.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he called his mum from the garden.

"I'm gonna get a haircut Olivia O'Neill"

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