Get it together! You can't act so nervous every time South Africa comes up as a topic.

"I don't have much of a choice on going, regardless all of this speculation. Mr. Leigh was very pushy to get me to move to LA. You've met Mr. Leigh, haven't you?"

I know he hasn't.

Then Will does something that I can't really fathom. He coughs and giggles as if I asked him to give me his credit card details. I frown at the fanatics, but he recovers quickly.

"Um, you mean," he clears his throat and then sassy Will is back, "You mean the creepy old rich guy you have dinner with time to time? If I didn't know any better, I would think he is your sugar daddy."

Will doesn't know of Mr. Leigh's involvement in my life. No one knows the nature of our relationship and that it is because of him I was able to start a new life froms scratch here in the USA.

I can only give Will one generic answer, "Mr. Leigh is a good man," I murmur.

Surprisingly, Will doesn't push me on the topic and he changes the direction of our conversation. "So, when are we leaving for LA then?"

I look up with wide eyes, "We?" I ask.

He nods his head, "Yes, we! Did I stutter?"

Guilt washes over me immediately, "Oh Will," how am I going to put this? "I wish you could come with, I really do, but-" I swallow hard and try again, "but, I don't have enough money for the both of us. I mean, I'm sure I'd be able to cope for the first few weeks if you want to visit me, but after that," I gulp, I hope he doesn't take offense, "I don't know. I'm sorry."

Will looks at me like I just spoke in my mother tongue and then he flings up from the bed. His hand hovers over my head, "Poor baby," he says and taps my head awkwardly.

I frown. What is he doing?

He starts to laugh and speaks to himself, "She thinks she needs to take care of me," he puts his hand on his chest, "Bless your soul boo." Then he places his hands on his hips and stands in front of me, "Have you ever seen me work a day in my life?"

I shake my head. It's true, he's always at home or off galavanting. I've never seen him work. I wanted to ask him countless times how he affords to live in these apartment buildings, since it is quite expensive. Mr. Leigh's doing. But I've never come around to it.

Or maybe I am afraid to find out that Will is a male prostitute.

"Exactly!" he exclaims, "I don't do hard labor, I can take care of myself thank you very much!" he says proudly, "I'll pay for my part of the apartment boo, I'm not a cheapskate."

Honestly, it would be great if Will could come and live with me. It would make my life so much easier, knowing I have at least someone that has my back. It would decrease my unhealthy alone time to the minimum.

"So you're willing to leave everything behind in New York for me?" I ask.

Will crosses his arms, "Just answer me this - do you want me to come with or not?"

"Of course I want you to come! I'm just worried you're jumping in-"

He cuts me off, "Don't ask me questions you don't want the answers to. I have your back Leah, I always will. All you need to know is that I'm coming with to LA. End of discussion." He picks up the very same red scarf I wore that got me into this mess and shoves it in my hand, "Better continue packing."

A while later, I zip another bag up and place it with the other ones in the corner of my now-half-empty room. I look at Will, who is still lounging on my bed, "Will, how do you make your money if you don't work?" It's been bugging me since he brought it up.

Stranger // [Justin Bieber]Where stories live. Discover now