John opened the door for both Derek and I and I was forced in. I came face to face with Austin who didn't seem to have any new cuts or bruises on him. But it was his cold eyes aimed at me that killed me. He was injected with the drug so he wouldn't rememeber seeing me. Why was he looking at me like that? I expected relief, or anger towards John and Derek, not me.

My lips trembled as I was seated so close to him. Our knees almost touched. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked quietly. I felt like he hated me.

"I saw the camera" He answered with gritted teeth. "The room with you and Kale"

My heart stopped and dropped. "No! We didn't do anything"

"Well I wouldn't know, Derek cut the video off just as Kale got in your bed. You know it was the first time I got to see you in so many weeks. That wasn't how I wanted to first see you. I didn't want to see you here either. What are you doing here anyway?" He asked so coldly I began to cry.

It wasn't the first time he saw me, he just couldn't rememeber.

"Don't bullshit with me Avery!" He yelled. "Seeing you last night hurt me more than being beat up"

Damn, I wondered aloud.

"We didn't do anything!" I yelled back. "He just slept next to me because I was scared! And for your information, I was kidnapped"


"I was forced to watch you get hurt. Forced to watch you being injected with a drug so you wouldn't remember the first time you saw me. And I sat in front of you for less than five minutes while you were unconcious"

The coldness in his eyes vanished and were replaced with the soft green eyes I was accustomed to. I reached out an arm and touched his face. "Austin, I could've found help, at the airport or on the plane. I could be home but i'm not. I'm here so I could see you, I knew that if I did anything you would be killed and I couldn't let that happen"

He opened and closed his mouth twice before he spoke. "I'm sorry" He looked down. "I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm sorry that you're here. I'm sorry I ever spoke to you at school because it only resulted in this" He looked around the room.

I laughed without emotion. "The time we spent together was amazing, don't you ever doubt the relationship we had-" My voice broke at the end when I actually spoke the words out loud. The relationship we had. We weren't a couple any more.

I think it occured to him as well because he flinched at the last line. He was going to respond but my chair was pulled a foot back and my arms were forced behind me. Here we go. I was going to be hurt in front of my ex-boyfriend.

Austin's eyes widened when they wrapped tape around my arms and attached my legs to the chair legs. It hurt because they put it on a little to tight. "What's happening?" He yelled, again.

"Since you won't give up with beatings, we'll have to force it out of you through Avery" Derek finished tying me up to the chair and stood back.

"I-" Austin started but tape was forced around his mouth.

My eyebrows scrunched together. "I thought you wanted him to give up, how can he do that with tape covering his mouth?"

"We're just giving him a taste of what he'll have to see if he continues to say no" Derek nodded at John who stood next to a table with a lot of torture weapons thrown across it. I gulped and looked at Austin in the eyes who was shaking his head violently. It looked like he was trying to escape his grips.

A tear escaped my eyes and I closed my eyes. John's footsteps grew closer and soon I felt something hot-very hot inching closer to my neck. A hand brushed my hair to the right side of my neck and I screamed. My eyes flung open as I felt a hot metal rod pressed against my neck. I couldn't stop screaming. The pain was excruiciating, the burning never ended and I felt like passing out. I guess it just showed how weak I was.

Infamous Gray (Sequel to NLOA)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant