Will's face froze in the same disbelieved expression for a minute before he bursts out into laughter. I shift uncomfortably in my chair, waiting for him to stop - but he keeps going. The tears are streaming down his cheeks now. I cross my arms and wait for him to finish.

"Cut it out!" I moan.

He slaps the coffee table a few times with his palms, trying to catch his breath, but I can hear the hidden snorts behind those thick throat rumbles when I eye him.

"Okay, okay," he giggles and wipes the tears under his eyes. He just burst out in laughter not sparing my poor feelings, but here he sits, trying not to mess up his precious mascara. "I'm sorry boo, this shit is too funny!"

Idiot. I just glare at him.

"Whew!" he exhales like a pregnant walrus, "Wait, wait. Lemme get this straight... you mean to tell me,"I can see how hard he is trying to keep his laugh in, "you didn't recognise one of the most famous celebs of our time when he stood right infront of you?"

I shook my head and shrugged.

"Girl, what on earth did you do back in Africa, live in the jungle between lions and elephants and shit? What music did you listen to?"

"Okay, first of all, lions don't live in the jungle in South Africa, they live in the bushfield. Like a safari. Secondly," I raise my second finger, "I listen to good music, thank you very much."

I don't want Will asking me too many questions about my life in South Africa though. If people knew too much, things could... let's just say, turn bad real quick. So I do what any normal person would do and ask a question in hopes of distracting him, "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Honey, Justin Bieber is one of the hottest music artists of our time!"

It worked.

"So he sings?" I ask.

"He sings? He sings! He's a triple Platinum selling artists! Do you know what that means?"

I shake my head again. I wish I did.

"It means he is one of the most influential artists of our time. And not by my standards, but by Forbes!" he shakes his head and huffs, "Look, all you need to know is that Bieber is quite the catch on all levels. The dude has so much money, he buys monkeys and drops them off in Germany for the joke of it!"

"What do you mean?" I was confused.

"Nothing, never mind. All you need to know is that he is rich, famous and sells dope ass music," Will says, rubbing his chin, "I mean when he was a kid, his music was kind of girl-ish, but now, I will eat that any..."

"I get it!" I say quickly, "I made a fool of myself."

"Maybe he understands. I mean that accent of yours is hard to miss," Will suggested.

"I don't have an accent! You should hear how funny Americans sound from my perspective," I defend.

"No, you definitely have an accent. It's definitely one of those look-at-me-I'm-not-American type of accents," he smirks, "besides, I doubt he will remember a mere peasant such as yourself! You have nothing to worry about."

"Gee, thanks," I squint my eyes, "you're very rude for someone that calls me their friend. Need I remind you, you are in my apartment, watching my netflix?"

"Bïtch please, I have all these things at my house too! Besides, I bought us pizza It's in the oven, but I guess I'll just take my black ass back to my apartment and eat it all by myself."

"No!" I practically shout the whole apartment building awake, "I mean," I lower my voice, but the next few words comes out in way too high of a pitch, "pizza sounds good." My stomach growls and I can feel my mouth watering already.

I need to take action before he stands up and walk out. I really want pizza. I jump up and storm to the kitchen, "Continue watching whatever it is you're watching, I'll get the food..." I shout, "and wine!"

Wine always wins.

"Yes go get the food slave! I am your queen!" he yells.

For the rest of the evening, Will and I just watched Netflix and ate food. He introduced me to the wonderful world of Rupaul's Drag Race. I was hooked from the first minute. I continued watching an episode or two after Will decided to go back to his apartment and sleep. I swear he slept more in one night than what I did an entire week.

The thought of what happened at work today dragged my thoughts to the laptop. I bit my fingers nervously at the thought of my picture making its rounds in every possible tabloid and celebrity gossip blog.

I mean I was in a picture with a famous person that I practically knew nothing about. I pursed my lips and gave in.

Seconds later I had my laptop open on multiple tabs, googling everything I could think of about Justin Bieber.

Hours later, I take out my phone and text Will.

Me: I like this music!

Will: what are u talking about?

Me: JB obvi!

Will: so its JB now? u 2 realli hit it off huh!

Me: shutup!

Me: you mean *it's

Me: i just like his music

Me: it's pretty dope

Will: bïtch did u just correct mah grammar 12 at nite?!

Me: Is it too late to say sorry?

Will: god. what have i done?

Will: go to bed.

Me: let me, oh let me redeem, oh redeem, oh myself tonight

Will: STFU!!!!

Me: good night will ;)

Will: whatevaaa

I laugh and turn off my laptop.

Not that it helped. The moment I climbed in bed, I opened my Instagram.

I basically have three types of people on my feed. Accounts with delicious food that always make me want to stuff my mouth with everything in my fridge, cute couples travelling the world and then there was the lifestyle bloggers. There's a whole sub-category for these bloggers. Makeup, fitness, clothes... all I know is that their poses and selfies were always a tad too perfect for it to be real.

Then I see an unexpected photo. A friend from South Africa that posted a picture of herself in the middle of night near their camp.

"That's dangerous," I mutter to myself. Number one rule - never post your location. Especially... No! I shake my head. I can't think of my life back in South Africa. I can never go back.

I exit the app and log onto Twitter. I need a distraction and my curiosity to know if Justin Bieber had a twitter account was perfect. A quick search and boom! Of course he had an account.

I hovered over his name before scrolling down to read his tweets. The first tweet I see makes me gasp and sit up straight in bed.

I probably sat there staring for a solid twenty minutes.

JUSTIN BIEBER @ justinbieber

met a cute girl today - too bad she didn't know who i was :( why do the cute ones always get away? D: 

* * *

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Stranger // [Justin Bieber]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon