Chapter 51- Searching

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The only reason I'm not with my fiancé and baby right now is for their safety. Valentine had told me he would kill me and my family if I ever showed up again. But I know Clary will see me escape. After all, she does know how to make runes. If not Clary, than Magnus. Someone will save me, but until then, I have to meet up with an old friend.


This whole Maia thing is insane. She was just a young girl... An engaged and pregnant young girl. I feel bad, that's she's alone and probably terrified. Jordan is already having me work on a locator spell, as if it's that simple. I need something special to her, something she touched often or adored. Jordan gave me a picture she touched every night before bed. One of her parents, happily cuddling on a couch. Alec, sleeping next to me in our bed, murmurs something about "Magnus's underpants" and cuddles close to me. I could see his dreams if I wanted to, but I'm just too damn tiered. Everyone is working me to death. Not literally, of course.
Alec is worried about our future, once again. He wants to live forever, like me. He doesn't want to live without me. Ever. A few days ago he casually asked me what I thought he would be like as a werewolf or vampire. AKA, what would you think of me immortal. It's not like I was going to say something about it, or tell him he was insane. So of course, I told him he would be amazing as any being in the world, even a demon. He told me not to joke about that. Alec has been very laid back since the wedding, which is unusual for him. He's been sneaking out late, and it's been killing me that he won't tell me what he's up to. Whenever Katherine misses him she'll cock her head and wail out "Daddy come back!" And he seems to be uncomfortable with the whole "Valentine" topic, which is understandable considering Valentine did kill Jace. But something fishy is going on. And I'm not sure whether I should investigate or let the cards fall as they will.


I can't believe one of my best friends is missing. I mean... Maia is an amazing girl, and to think of my life without her would be unimaginable. Sure, we got off to a rocky start. But to be honest, Maia is an amazing person, and I'm sure would be an amazing mother. I miss having her around, and not just to watch the kids while Jace and I have a date night. I know she must have thought she could look to Isabelle and I, since we had been pregnant. But especially me, because Isabelle isn't married and has only one child.
I really think I could've been some help to her. Now if only I could think of a damn rune to save her.


When I wake, Magnus is fast asleep. He's always been a late night kind of person, and he loves to sleep in the afternoon. I however am the opposite. I just look at Magnus, and to see him sleeping sloppily is angelic. One arm to his side, the other thrown off the bed. The way he drools into the pillow, surprisingly makes my heart stutter. I turn away, trying to ignore the fact he forced me into pink underpants last night. He always says it's sexy when I walk around in nothing but them, but I shrug on a black shirt anyways.
I've felt really bad lately, since I haven't been around much. But the more I'm around, the more I talk.

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