Chapter 54-Drops of Jupiter

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"Alec," I breathe out "How the hell did you get in here?" But Alec isn't looking at me. He's looking at the floor, and he has tears streaming down his face.

"Doesn't matter." He murmured. Alec and I have never been close, but we have this sort of unspoken friendship between us. I like

Alec... He makes good choices. But seeing him sad like this... Its heartbreaking. "You'll never speak to me again after I tell you this." He meets my eyes for a split second, before noting Jace sliding his hand into mine and looking to the floor again.

"What's going on, Parabatai?" Jace wonders out loud. I stifle tears. He sounds worried.

"I was the one who brought him back. I- I brought Valentine back to make me immortal. Now he's ruining everything and I-" Jace all of a sudden is right next to his face. I've never seen Alec incredibly angry at Alec... Until now. Tears form in my eyes. Alec brought back Valentine. It's Alec's fault Maia is missing. It's Alec's fault we had to attend a not even needed funeral. It's- No. It's not. Alec wanted immortality, and he knew none of us would be willing to give it to him even if we could. This is all Valentine's fault. I bet he crept into his brain and made him want what he does. Realizing that Jace was about to kiss his ass, I let out a whimper. I let the tears stroll down my face.

"Let him go." I whisper. Jace looks at me sternly, but sees my tears and notes my raspy voice. "Please," I squeak. "I can't look at him for another minute."

Jace releases Alec. He looks him dead in the eye, and doesn't even try to insult him. Insults weren't strong enough for whatever nasty thoughts were going through his mind. "You are not my brother anymore."

That crushed me beyond words.

To the point where I fell. I cracked. I broke. I shut everything off, and shut down.

I. Turned. Off.


"Clary isn't breathing!" Simon struggles to get inside, but it's hopeless. The curse has struck against him once again.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

When we reach Magnus's, I take Clary's hand, tears stuck in my throat. Don't cry dont cry don't cry don't cry don't cry... And here comes the water works... But not from me. From Simon.

"It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay..." He pets her petite head, and kisses her blazing hair. That's suppost to be me.

"Shove off bloodsucker," I nearly growl in his ear. Then I sigh. Even with my marriage, three kids, his engagement, and his kid, im still incredibly jealous. "Sorry," I quietly murmur. But I know he heard me. Someone grabs my hand and squeezes it. The room is so filled with people that it takes me a while to find the body it's attached to. Alec's. Instead of squeezing back, I pull away. I don't want to see him right now. This is all his fault. His and Valentine's.

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