Chapter 5

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Today is the day.

Today I will marry Jace. I will be a Lightwood.

And I will promise my love to Jace forever.


I'm already nervous as it is, and Jocelyn freaking out right before the wedding doesn't help me at all. She walked in, started bawling, then walked out.

Clary is going to have a shit-fit with her.


Luke is already walking me down the isle, in my dress. But I'm not paying attention to the dress, I'm paying attention to the most handsome man in the world, only a few yards away.

"Good evening," the paster begins. I try to bring my attention to him, but my eyes focus on the empty space next to Isabelle, where my mother should be.

"Before we begin," the paster continues, "If there are any objections to the marriage of these to happy people, speak now."

At first, there was silence. But then.


The door opened. And his voice spoke out.

"I object!"

Oh no.


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