He turned the corner wall going to the kitchen disappearing from my sight. Looking towards the steps I made my way keeping my eyes open for any threats. The stairs creaked slightly in protest to my heavy footsteps.

After slowly making my way up the stairs I finally reached the top. My eyes went straight to Lexi's door it was closed. Slowly walking to the door no sounds were coming from the other side.

Taking a deep breath I help my gun up with my right hand while my left wrapped around the door knob. With swift quickness I threw open the door holding my gun up. My eyes Adjusted as the room was completely dark.

My breath caught in my throat as the sight of three clearly defined body's all motionless. Lexi was against the wall her head tilted up with one leg stretched out and the other bended up.

Lowering my gun I took two steps forward the floorboard groaned under me the vibrations going up through my feet. Crouching down I reached my hand out ready to check for a pulse. My heart was pounding in my chest ready to come out.

As my hand inched forward "I'm Alive" her voice echoed in the quiet room. It startled me making me back away and jump to my feet. Relief flooded through me poking my head out the door of her room.

"Found her she's up here" I hollered knowing Matt would be able to hear me. About to take a step forward she held her hand up.

"Stop" she said looking at me her green eyes stood out in the dark room.

"Why?" I asked curiously when footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs. Poking my head out the door Matt was at the top of the stairs walking towards me.

Matt came into the room "It was all clear downstairs" he said looking around the room. His eyes landed on Lexi about to take a step towards her I put my arm in front of his chest.

Matt gave me a puzzled look but I just shook my head. "To answer your question Jace turn on the light and you'll know why" she said looking at me.

Reaching for the light switch behind my the light flickered on causing my eyes to squint. A few seconds they adjusted to the light Matt gasped. Taking in the sight made my breath catch in my throat.

The front of Lexi's shirt was ripped down all the way covered in blood. A cut on the side of her lip that was clearly fresh. While new bruises were forming on her upper arm.

There next to her bed laid two body's lying in a dark pool of blood. The small white rug that peeked out from under her bed soaked in red.

There body's laid motionless on the floor. One being male the other female, I recognized both.

The male was a memeber of The Slick Bastards, while the women was Esmerelda the maid who worked in the house. My mouth was wide open in shock it was like a scene from a horror film.

Lexi started to push herself of the floor to stand up. Reaching my hand out to help her she pulled away from me. "Don't touch me" she said her eyes were hard.

Lexi's Point Of View

Using the wall as support I got up off the floor, keeping my eyes on the bodies in front of me. A shiver ran up my body, taking a deep breath I shook my head slighty. Anger ran through my veins it boiled in my body.

They had gone to far this time an innocent person had been killed. Someone close to me, I wouldn't forgive them for this. They would pay I would make sure of that.

Turning my head to look at Matt his face was in complete shock. "They went to far this time, she was an innocent person who got caught in the cross fire" my voice was hard but the determination was clear.

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