"I want to help you"

Rick stared at him "What?"

"I want to help you" he started nodding for a few times "She is innocent; it took me too long to remember that we are talking about Serena, she can't kill anyone"

Rick smiled "Welcome aboard, detective"

"Thanks, drug dealer" Martin smiled back "So, what are we doing?"

"We are investigating what actually happened," he said looking back at the papers "Something isn't right, why were the Schwann brothers and Serena at the forest? It's not a meeting place"

"Is the commissioner still investigating the witness?"

"Yes," Rick said angrily "What are they doing inside that could take so long?"


Rick tilted his head "The problem is that we don't know what should be our next move"

"Why don't we...?"

"Martin" a woman shouted

Martin looked at the door to find Christy running to the desk

"Christy" he went to her and they met halfway.

"What happened, Martin? Why is Serena here?"

"Calm down"

"How could you ask me to do that?"

"Just tell us what happened" Andy said

"Come and sit down and Rick will tell you everything, he knows things better than I know"

"Who's Rick?"

Martin introduced Rick to the girls and vice versa before the twins came with some seats. They made a half circle around the desks where Rick and Martin were sitting and Rick told them the whole story.

"So, Serena spent the night at your house," Ryan said with a smile

Chris elbowed him; the rest of the party rolled their eyes.

"She didn't kill him," Christy said tears are coming to her eyes again.

"We all know that," Rick said, "but how could we prove it?"

"Talk to the witness," Andy said

"The commissioner is doing that," Rick said nodding at his door "They are there for an hour only God knows what the hell they are doing inside"

"He is doing his job," Martin said looking at Rick angrily "he doesn't want his daughter to go to prison"

"That's why he slapped her"

"He slapped her," Nessa said staring at the two men.

"Yep," Ryan said rubbing his cheek "it must be hurting her a lot"

Chris elbowed him again while the two men glared at him.

"Why don't you go to the forest?" Jo said changing the subject

"Right, that could help," Chris said giving Jo a thank you look

"I don't think that will help," Martin said, "Do you have anything new from those papers?"

"No, I was just looking into Gonzalez's file"

"Did you find anything interesting?"

"Not a thing," he said looking into the papers again "he was unlike his brother, he was a clean man, never entered the police station except for bailing his brother"

They were all silent for a while.

"He is relative to Rodriguez" Rick exclaimed staring at Martin.

"Didn't you notice that they all have Spanish names?" Chris said.

"I thought it was a coincident"

"They are cousins," Martin said

"Why don't we talk to him?" Rick said with hope in his face "he could know something or give us a hint about anything"

Martin called a man and told him to call Rodriguez after a couple of minutes

Rodriguez came.

"You called me"

"Yeah, we want to ask you a few questions," Martin said "have a seat,


He sat down next to the twins in front of Rick.

"You are Carlos Schwann's cousin," Rick said

Rodriguez swallowed and adjusted his glasses "Yes, I am"

"Why weren't you sad about his death?"

He swallowed again, he was very uncomfortable "We...We... weren't close"

"That doesn't mean that you shouldn't be sad"

He started looking at the faces who were staring at him.

"Why weren't you sad, Rodriguez?" Rick said in a higher voice.

He gave the others a look "I...I. I hated him"


"We... we didn't get along," he said staring at the floor "we used to fight about everything, life, love even religion"

"Did he fight with his brother a lot?"

"Yeah, not as much as he did with I but they used to fight"

"About what?"

He looked at Rick, thought for a second "money mostly"

The group stared at each other.

"Are you sure?" Christy said with great hope

"Yeah, it happened in front of me more than once"

"Thanks, Rodriguez," Rick said, "You can go"

"Am I a suspect?"

"No, don't worry"

Rodriguez smiled, nodded and then left.

"So, the brothers weren't a happy couple," Rick said with a smile

"Not only that," Martin said "but we also have an idea about why would they be in the forest"

"The commissioner should know about this," Jo said

"Who said that he doesn't?" Martin said with a smile

"What do you mean?" Rick said frowning

"Why do you think he is taking so long investigating Gonzalez, he knows everything and he is trying to get the truth from him?"

"So, what is our next move?"

"We will just wait until the commissioner stops investigating senõr Gonzalez"

Everyone was happy about the news, everyone except Nessa who was gritting her teeth with anger.

Author's Note: Hey Guys, I Hope You Are Liking The Story So Far. I Know That You Are Reading The Story But I Want You To Comment More. I Want To Know If You Are Liking It, What Do You Think Is Happening? Do You Like The Way I Am Writing Or Do You Want Me To Change Something? Everything.
My Next Update Will Be On Friday  ; )

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