Untitled Part 38

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I saw herc dump alex on the bed then slowly creep out grabbing thomas and laf. Herc always knew what to do like a good mom friend should. I knew what i had to do. I knew sort of what to do. I grabbed some of his clothes and tossed them to him. He changed on his own, thankfully.i sat on the opposite side of the bed from him awkwardly for a while. He chad curled up with his blanket around him and was slightly shaking from what I could see. I inched a little closer expecting him to move away. But he didn't. I moved closer and put my arm around the blanket lump that my friend was hidden in. This was more awkward then the first time this happened. I think, its hard to compare. It feels like that was so long ago but it was really only about two or so months. Time flys. There i sat, my arm around my distressed friend all night.

A/N im so sorry. I know i am totally the worst person ever. I dont post for over a week then come back with a paragraph that doesnt even have plot. Ive been slowly dying recently sorry. 2017 wants me dead I swear. So many injures and an awful cough for like over 2 months. Add in a crap ton of extra school work, a ton of friend drama, family turning to shit, insomnia getting worse, and any other shit this year wants to throw at me. In other words i have no idea when this next update will be. But im thinking about starting another book. I know what you are thinking. This idiot cant even keep up with their current books thats the last thing she needs. But this will just be the story of m life as i write it down every day. All of it wil be true except most names will be fake. I'm sorry ik i suck.

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