Chapter 19

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James is ok! Poor alex. but james is ok! Laf and i went to his room we could go see sam after. Poor smol child. Laf and i walked in.

" thomas! laf!" James said happily then started coughing

" your ok" laf said and hugged him

James flinched

" james mon ami i am so sorry i was not thinking" laf said

" its fine i was just surprised" james coughed

" are you ok " i said worriedly

" i'm fine" james said " don't worry so much"

" um mon ami, you were just shot remember" Laf laughed

" yeah i gues" james laughed


I walked in to his room next to James's room. Followed by herc and alex, He was not awake yet. We all stood there in akward silence for around 5 more minuets. Sam started to stir.he sat up.

" sam!" Herc alex and i cheered

" hi" sam said" who are you people?"

We all gasped.

" you really don't know?" Asked herc

"I have no idea" sam said

Sam pointed to alex" but you seem annoying"

Alex looked a mix of hurt angry and about to burst out laughing

" well he is annoying most of the time you two fight a lot his name is alex. My name is Hercules but most people just call me herc" herc said" do you remember him?" Herc pointhged at me

" no you two seem a little familiar but who is he?" Said sam seeming confused

Alex and herc shared a look. I was sad and a little hurt.

" Sam, he's you roommate and boyfriend" said herc

" my what" sam seemed surprised

" you two are dating " repeated herc

"Good" said sam " he's cute"

I blushed

" i think we should go" herc said


Herc dragged me down the hall back to theo and Angelica's room. He pushed in dragging me behind him.

theo looked up from whatever conversation she was having with the other people in the room.

" what did he do?" She asked herc

" i did nothing i was just the unlucky victim" i said attempting to rip my arm out of his grip

" sam lost his memory it was best if we left " herc said finally dropping my wrist

I listened to what ever conversation was going on for a few minuets then my mind drifted to john. What if he forgot me when he woke up. What if he never woke up. What if he didn't even market ur through surgery. I couldn't sit in this'd hospital any longer. I stood up

" i need to go " was all i said and walked out

I heard a voice behind me

" where are you going?" Herc called down the hall

" just let him be" i heard peggy say.

I didn't stop or respond i didn't even look back. I just kept walking. I walked down the stairs past katie and out the door. I could feel stares flowing me everywhere i went but i didn't care. I didn't really know where i was i walked in to a little corner store or something walking in there there seemed to be a lot going on. There was a younger boy with another boy about the same age but taller leaning on him. One man about 19 or so with hi back turned to me making coffee and a girl about the same age as him leaning on the counter.1

LETS START AT THE BEGAINING(LAMS)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant